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What Counts: Harnessing Data for America’s Communities

There is a new book called, "What Counts: Harnessing Data for America’s Communities," from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Urban Institute, which outlines opportunities and challenges for the strategic use of data to reduce poverty, improve health, expand access to quality education, and build stronger communities.

It is a response to both the explosive interest in using data to guide community initiatives, investment strategies, and policy choices, and the vexing questions that accompany data-driven approaches. The volume brings together authors from community development, public health, education, finance, and law to offer ideas for using data more meaningfully and effectively across sectors and institutions. What Counts is not focused on finding one right answer; rather, it is meant to serve as the basis for smarter conversations about data going forward.

Senior Editors: Naomi Cytron, Kathryn L.S. Pettit, & G. Thomas Kingsley
Contributing Editors: David J. Erickson & Ellen S. Seidman

We feature the full version of the book below for online reading or download. You can also order a copy from the website

What-Counts-11.25.14.pdf3.72 MB

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