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1st World Forum On Lifelong Learning

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"1st World Forum On Lifelong Learning" European and international preparatory Conference to the 6th International Conference on Adult Education" during the French Presidency of the European Union and under the patronage of President of the French Republic" October 28 & 29 2008, PARIS – Unesco
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1st World Forum On Lifelong Learning
" European and international preparatory Conference to
the 6th International Conference on Adult Education" during the French Presidency of the European Union and under the patronage of President of the French Republic" October 28 & 29 2008, PARIS – Unesco
organized by
Lifelong Learning World Committee
in collaboration with
Centre pour le développement de l’information sur la formation permanente
Régional Council of Ile-de-France
with the cooperation of
Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale
City of Paris
Council of Europe
Event having obtained the label of the French Presidency of the European Union
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The " international sponsorship committee" of the 1st World Forum on lifelong learning is under the presidency of Paul Bélanger (Canada), President of the International Council of Adults Education (IC AE) and composed of : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ATTOU Yves ( France), President of the Lifelong Learning World Committee BELOT Roger (France), Président Directeur Général de la Société d'assurance mutuelle MAIF BÎRZÉA César (Romania), Président du Comité de l’éducation du Conseil de l’Europe BOUSNINA Mongi (Tunisia), Directeur Générale de l'Organisation arabe pour l'éducation, la culture (ALECSO) CHERIF Mustapha (Algeria), Recteur de l'université de la formation continue, ancien ministre de l'enseignement supérieur d'Algérie CORM Georges (Lebanon), Écrivain, ancien ministre libanais des finances DANIEL John (United-Kingdom), President du Commonwealth of learning DARCOS Xavier (France), Ministry of National Education DELANOE Bernard (France), Maire de Paris DELORS Jacques (France), President de la Commission internationale sur l’éducation pour le XXIème siècle DE MOURA CASTRO Claudio (Brazil), President du conseil consultatif de la faculté Pytagore FAVIER Jean (France), President de la commission nationale française auprès de l’Unesco FIGEL Ján (Slovakia), Member de la Commission européenne, responsable pour l’éducation, la formation, la culture et la jeunesse HALIMI Suzy ( France), President du Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP). Présidente de la commission éducation de la Commission nationale française pour l'UNESCO HUCHON Jean-Paul (France), President du Conseil régional d'Ile-de-France ISCHINGER Barbara (Germany), Directrice de l’éducation de l’OCDE KANE Lamine (Senegal), Coordinator, The Pan African Association for Literacy and Adult Edcation (PAALAE) KESSEL Patrick (France), Director du Centre pour le développement de l'information sur la formation permanente (Centre-Inffo) LACONTE Pierre (Belgium), President de l'association internationale des urbanistes (ISOCARP) LACROIX Jean-Michel( France), Director General du Centre national d’enseignement à distance (Cned) MAZZA Gabriele (Italie), Directeur de l'Education scolaire et extra-scolaire, de l'Enseignement supérieur et des langues au Conseil de l’Europe NDOYE Mamadou (Senegal), Secrétaire exécutif de l'association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique NICULESCU Maria (Romania), Représentante permanente de l'Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF) auprès de l'Union Européenne NXESI Thulas (South-Africa), President of the Internationale of Education OUANE Adama (Mali ), Director de l’Institut de l’UNESCO pour l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie PILLIARD Jean-François, (France), President de l’AFPA ( Association nationale pour la formation professionnelle des adultes) PONTUAL Pedro (Brazil), President du Conseil de l'éducation des Adultes d'Amériques latines RAKOTOMALALA Mialy (Madagascar), President de la ligue internationale de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la culture populaire ROIRANT Jean-Marc (France), President de la plate-forme européenne de la société civile pour l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie (EUCIS-LLL) SCHWARTZ Bertrand (France), Professor SIFUNAKIS Nikolaos (Greece), President de la Commission de la culture et de l'éducation du Parlement européen TOTH Janos Sz (Hungary), President de l’association européenne d’éducation des adultes, Hongrie WOLTER Stefan (Swiss), President du conseil de l'institut fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle (IFFP) ZHANG Ping (China), Doyenne de la Faculté des Lettres et Langues occidentales, University of International Studies, Xian ZHOU Shuanggu (China), Director
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The 1st World Forum for lifelong learning is organized by:
• The World Committee for Lifelong Learning (CMEF) in collaboration with : Center for the development of information on training (Centre-Inffo) Regional Council of Île de France Unesco, Division de la prospective, de la philosophie et des sciences humaines with the cooperation of MAIF Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT) City of Paris Council of Europe Partners Club " Europe and International" • • • • • Europe Education Training Agency (FRANCE) European Center for the development of professional training (CEDEFOP) Division de la prospective, de la philosophie et des sciences humaines (UNESCO) International Council for adults Education (CIEA) European Federation for Training and Development (ETDF-FEFD)
Unesco Institute for Lifelong Learning (Hambourg)
• • • • •

International of Education (IE) Ligue internationale de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la culture populaire (LIEECP) Organization for economic cooperation and development - Direction of Education (OECD) Training Trainers Network (TTNET) Université des Etudes internationales de Xian, Faculté des Lettres et langues occidentales (Chine)
Partners Club "France" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Association des Régions de France (ARF) Association française de réflexion et d'échanges sur la formation (AFREF) Association nationale pour la formation professionnelle des adultes (AFPA) National Centre for Distance Education (CNED) Commission nationale française auprès de l'UNESCO Conférences des directeurs de service universitaire de formation continue (CDSUFC) Schools of the 2nd Chance (E2C) Groupe d'études- histoire de la formation des adultes (GEHFA) Groupement des acteurs et responsables de la formation (GARF) Le Café pédagogique Maison des enseignants et de l'éducation tout au long de la vie Ministry of National Education University Paris-Dauphine, Département d'éducation permanente University Paris VIII, Master « Education tout au long de la vie »
The 1st world forum is headed by a “steering committee” • Composed of partners and financers under the presidency of Yves Attou, President of the Lifelong Learning World Committee It is coordinated by a "Organizing Committee": • A group of volunteer workers • Françoise Dax-Boyer, Project Manager
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• Bernard KOUCHNER, ministre des Affaires étrangères « Je me réjouis de voir que votre détermination et votre conviction ont permis d’amorcer une dynamique fédératrice pour l’éducation et la formation. Recevez tous mes encouragements pour votre démarche novatrice » . Paris, le 15 juin 2007 • Xavier DARCOS, ministre de l’Éducation nationale « C’est très volontiers que Monsieur le Ministre donne son accord pour patronner cet événement auquel il souhaite le plein succès » Paris, le 19 octobre 2007 (David Teillet, chef de Cabinet) • Jacques DELORS, président de la Commission internationale de l’Unesco sur l’éducation pour le XXIe siècle « Par lettre en date du 28 décembre dernier, vous m’informez de votre projet d’un Forum international sur l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie. Je souhaite répondre à cette demande en acceptant de faire partie du comité de parrainage ». Paris, le 25 janvier 2007 • Ján FIGEL’, commissaire européen pour l’éducation, la formation, la culture et la jeunesse « Je vous remercie de votre lettre du 2 février 2007, par laquelle vous avez bien voulu solliciter mon patronage en faveur du Forum international de l’éducation et de la formation tout au long de la vie. Je tiens à vous féliciter pour cet événement, qui prône l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie, et c’est avec plaisir que je vous confirme mon accord ». Bruxelles, le 20 février 2007 • Barbara ISCHINGER, directrice de l’éducation de l’OCDE « Le dégagement d’un tronc commun, la recherche d’une dynamique fédératrice pour l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie, et la création d’un chemin original vont tout à fait dans le sens de notre travail à l’OCDE, et par conséquent c’est avec plaisir que j’accepte de participer au comité de parrainage ». Paris, le 19 février 2007 • Adama OUANE, directeur de l’Institut de l’Unesco pour les apprentissages tout au long de la vie « Merci pour le volume et l’efficacité du travail déjà accompli pour préparer le Forum mondial sur l’éducation tout au long de la vie. Je me réjouis de toute cette large consultation, des engagements obtenus et de la mobilisation autour de cette véritable entreprise et vous félicite pour la dextérité et la clairvoyance avec lesquelles vous piloter ce programme. Il se dégage un soutien large pour ce forum au sein de l’Unesco et de toutes les parties prenantes à la problématique de l’éducation tout au long de la vie. Pour ma part, j’ai fait inscrire ce forum parmi nos activités et je viens de soumettre une note pour qu’il soit approuvé au titre des priorités. Je vous remercie de m’associer à la préparation de cette importante activité qui est au coeur de la mission de l’IUL ». Hambourg, le 21 février 2007 • César BÎRZÉA, président du Comité de l’éducation du Conseil de l’Europe « Je vous remercie pour votre invitation très aimable de participer au Forum mondial de l’éducation tout au long de la vie et d’être membre du comité de parrainage. Je suis honoré par cette invitation que j’accepte avec plaisir ». Bucarest, le 20 février 2007 • Jean FAVIER, président de la Commission nationale française pour l’Unesco, membre de l’Institut « En ce qui concerne la demande de parrainage, j’ai le plaisir de vous faire savoir que je ne vois pas d’objection à figurer parmi les personnalités qui vous apportent leur soutien moral pour la préparation du Forum international ». Paris, le 15 février 2007 • Jean-Michel LACROIX, directeur général du Centre national d’enseignement à distance (Cned) « Vous avez bien voulu me proposer d’être membre du comité de parrainage du Forum mondial de l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie. Je vous en remercie vivement, et c’est avec plaisir que j’accepte votre proposition ». Futuroscope Chasseneuil, le 20 février 2007 • Jean-Pierre BOYER, secrétaire général de la Commission nationale française pour l’Unesco « Une demande (…) a été formulée auprès de la Commission française par Monsieur Yves ATTOU, président du Comité mondial pour l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie, pour l’organisation du Forum mondial. Je vous prie de noter que la Commission nationale ne voit que des avantages à ce que cet organisme puisse bénéficier d’une réponse positive de votre part ». Paris, le 31 janvier 2007
CMEF - 24/08/2008
“The concept of lifelong learning appears as one of the keys to the XXI st century”
Jacques Delors, report to UNESCO of the International Commission on education for the XXIst century “Education, the treasure within” -1996-
Faced with contemporary transformations, what future for education and training?
The forum wishes to scrutinize the transformations and tensions which characterize and affect the activities, actors and policies related to education and lifelong learning. These transformations and tensions are often closely linked with much wider cultural, economic, political and societal transformations, within which training and education have numerous roles. They have long been considered as essential resources to prepare and accompany development under all its forms, as regards public policies, corporate strategies as well as individual and collective evolutions. But they are also a driving force in the creation of activities and the opening of new sectors of development. Within the interplay of multiple forces, they are themselves in constant change. The Forum is meant for actors and decision-makers from all countries directly concerned with education and lifelong learning, to take stock of the tendencies, innovative practices, paradoxes and contradictions of formal and informal education systems in relation with their environments. The sixth International Conference on adult education (CONFINTEA VI) will be held in Brazil in 2009. The five previous CONFINTEA conferences took place in Elsinore (Denmark) in 1949, in Montreal (Canada) in 1960, in Tokyo (Japan) in 1972, in Paris (France) in 1985, and in Hamburg (Germany) in 1997. CONFINTEA V, acknowledged as a historic conference, introduced a holistic conception of adult education and training as essential tools to answer the challenges issued today all over the world in the social field and in the sector of development. The preparation, the monitoring and the follow-up of CONFINTEA VI will lead to an assessment of adult education and training worldwide today, and will echo the new political, cultural, social and economic issues most closely related to education and international development. As an intergovernmental meeting of UNESCO, CONFINTEA VI will integrate in its preparatory process this regional conference. Thus the 1st world forum (France, October 2008) will aim at two goals: as a preliminary step preparing CONFINTEA VI, in Brazil, 2009, it will appraise the general situation and the stakes of adult education and training for Europe today; in addition, it has also to be considered as opening a sequence of regular international meetings of the same kind, on the issues of education and lifelong learning. This first Forum will be held at UNESCO - Paris, on 28 and 29 October 2008. The first session will be devoted to an assessment of the situation with the participation of UNESCO and OECD experts. It will be followed by discussions about the action and networking of regions. The next step will consist in an analysis of contemporary tendencies. Ultimately the closing session will welcome chairmen of international organizations and of multinational companies in order to debate about the globalization of lifelong learning. The 2nd World Forum will be held in October 2009. It will focus on scientific research and innovative practices in the field of lifelong learning. Then yearly meetings will be scheduled so as to place these works in a long-term perspective.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008 Regional council of Ile de France - Paris : French, English 17.00 Official opening of the "1st World Forum On Lifelong Learning"
Jean-Paul HUCHON (France) President of the Regional Council of Ile de France; President of Metropolis
André ROSSINOT President of the CNFPT
Roger BELOT Président Directeur Général de la MAIF
Louis-Charles VIOSSAT President of the Centre INFFO
Yves Attou President of the Lifelong Learning World Committee
Lecture “What stakes for the World Forum On Lifelong Learning ?”
Adama OUANE (Mali) Director of the Unesco Institute for Lifelong Learning
Cocktail offered by the President of the Regional Council
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 (Unesco, Room I)
: French, English
Opening session
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Edgar MORIN (France) Sociologue et Philosophe
Session #1 “The concept of Lifelong Learning : assessment of the situation ”
The concept of lifelong learning, which appeared formally in the Delors report to UNESCO, already has a long history. This session will aim at assessing the situation worldwide as thoroughly as possible. Practices are very different according to geographic areas and social sectors. There is some confusion in people’s minds: the notion of lifelong learning is often understood as adult vocational training, which restricts its meaning. In fact, the concept of lifelong learning concerns all the periods of life, from infancy to retirement, during which somebody has the opportunity to learn in any place, by themselves, from the others, from the environment, in action, from and by experience in systems based on a great variety of methods and means (family education, formal, informal and non-formal education, continuing education for adults, training from action, experience and self- training). Therefore this concept extends beyond the frontiers between all the ages and places of life. It takes for granted that the person is one, indivisible and global, and is an actor in the “learning society”.
Objective of the session
Chairperson Barbara ISCHINGER (Germany) Directrice de l'éducation de l'OCDE Speakers Nicholas BURNETT (United-Kingdom) Assistant Director general of the Unesco for Education
Shuanggu ZHANG (China) Ministre Conseiller, Délégation permanente de la République populaire de Chine auprès de l'Unesco
Abdul Waheed Khan (India) Assistant Director-General of UNESCO for Communication and Information Janos Sz TÓTH (Hungary) President de l'association européenne de l'éducation des adultes Représentant de Ján FIGEL’, Membre de la Commission européenne, responsable pour l’éducation, la formation, la culture et la jeunesse Great witness Claude CAMPIONNET (France) Directeur général des ressources humaines du Groupe SoparindBongrain
11.0013.00 Objective of the session
Session #2 “Education and training : Towards a worldwide network of Regions?”
The new technologies of communications entail a modification of territories in the fields of education and training. The local and global spheres interact. Consequently, the pupil, the student, the wage-earner or the citizen who logs on the Internet enters a “global space of lifelong learning”. He or she thus participates in a wide space of collective and collaborative intelligence. But this globalization does not suppress the need for proximity. On the
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contrary, the region seems to be the relevant perimeter for lifelong learning policies. The experiments in decentralized co-operations have proved to be efficient. The question of a worldwide network of regions will be raised during this session.
Chairperson Jean-Paul HUCHON (France) President of the Regional Council of Ile de France; President of Metropolis Speakers Alain Rousset (France) Président de l'Association des régions de France Ivana SURDACKI (Océanie) Syndicat pour la Promotion des Communes de Polynésie Mialy RAKOTOMALALA (Madagascar) President of the International League education, popular education and popular culture
Sonia DUBOURG-LAVROFF (France), Director of the Europe Education Training France Agency
Great witness Muriel PÉNICAUD, Directrice générale des ressources humaines de Danone 13.0015.00
LUNCH - Buffet on the premises
Session #3 “Lifelong learning: analysis and prospects ?”
In the society of knowledge, the emphasis is placed on skills and creativity. The missionalmost exclusively assigned, until today, to formal education- to raise the level of general and vocational culture, is now shared with other actors. Even if there still exists frontiers between initial education, apprenticeship and continuing training, between general training and vocational training, the barriers, typical of traditional education systems, are being questioned. These are globally organized according to the formula:” a classroom- a teacher – a homogenous group – a unique content “. This architecture is no longer adapted to a society of knowledge and to new educative technologies. Initial training is not the only pathway to knowledge any more. Other places have become essential: the press, television, the radio, the Internet. The consultation of varied and extensive databases will notably modify the teaching methods of teachers. Moreover, in the society of knowledge, skills soon become obsolete and learning under any form proves to be vital. We are gradually entering an era which soon will make each of us “learners”. The concept of a society based on Knowledge will thus be of paramount importance. The stakes are high, all the more so as we will have to go from a so-called “objective” knowledge to a” constructive” knowledge-and vice versa- , from an industrial society to a society of knowledge, from education to apprenticeship. And, ultimately, from a classic education system to a system including numerous ways of learning.
Objective of the session
Chairperson Anne Hidalgo (France) 1ère adjointe au maire de Paris Speakers
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Gabriele MAZZA (Italy) Director of school and extra-school, higher education and languages, Council of Europe
Pedro PONTUAL (Brazil) Chairman of the Board of Adult Education in Latin America
Robin POPPE, Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), Centre international de formation Great witness Christian DAPILLY (France) Director of training, Veolia Environnement.
17.3018.00 18.0019.45
BREAK Session #4 “ Lifelong learning : What about globalization ? "
In a global world where the economy of knowledge is becoming dominant, education and training are reconfiguring. International systems of education, training and apprenticeship are gradually being established, in all places and indiscriminately, whatever the level, the job, the place of dwelling or the age of the people concerned. In this global system, the citizen becomes, in fact, a “lifelong learner”. As a result, the issue is to know which form this new world order of education, training and apprenticeship will take. All the more so, as states have full competence even though policies are implemented at continent level by international organizations. Will the new technologies of communication enable developing countries to have access to knowledge?
Objective of the session
Chairperson Jérôme BINDE (France) Director of the Division of Foresight, Philosophy and Human Sciences of Unesco Speakers Jacques ATTALI Économiste et écrivain Personalities and international experts at the invitation of UNESCO 19.45
Outcome of the "1st World Forum On Lifelong Learning"
Paul BELANGER (Canada) President of the International Council of Adult Education
Closing of the "1st World Forum On Lifelong Learning"
Koïchiro MATSUURA (Japan) Director general of the Unesco
Laurent WAUQUIEZ, secrétaire d’État chargé de l’Emploi, auprès de la ministre de l’Économie, de l’Industrie et de l’Emploi
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for The FORUM ON LIFELONG LEARNING Paris-UNESCO, Tuesday, October 28, 2008 to Wednesday, October 29, 2008 • • To return with your payment : By mail, with your payment, CMEF 100, avenue Maurice Berteaux F-78500 Sartrouville France Or by mail [email protected] centre, and sending a cheque or a bank transfer
IDENTITY NAME………………………………… ..…………………………………………… .. E-mail:…………………………………… ..…… Tel:………………………………. Agency:…………………………………… ..…… Function:………………………… Postal Address:…………………………………… ..…………………………………………… REGISTRATION FEES: € 280 (1) Payment of the fee gives access to all of the plenary sessions, welcome cocktail Tuesday, October 28(19.00), lunch Wednesday, October 29, and the sending of "Proceedings of the forum." The costs of travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the participants
CHOICE OF METHOD OF PAYMENT (choose one option) □ Enclose a cheque for € 280 to the order of "CMEF" sent by mail with the registration form
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€ 280 to the order of "CMEF" sent by post following the sending of this registration form by mail
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CMEF "," Agence Société Générale (Paris 03051-France), tel: (33) 145552817 References Banking: Bank: Agency 30003: 03051 Account No. beneficiary: 0050824393 Key: 22 International Identification / IBAN: FR76 30003 03051 00050824393 22 / BIC-SWIFT ADDRESS: SOGEFRPP GENERAL PROVISIONS: The payment in other currencies are made on the basis of the exchange rate of the day of settlement Given the limited space, entries will be registered on a first come first served basis. (Registration Form + Regulation). No reimbursement for cancellations made after September 15, 2008 Website forum: (French) or (English) Date: Signature
Logistic support by Coach communication, our partner : Hotel – Transport – Transfer – Activities
(1) Preferential tariffs may be considered according to individual situations.
CMEF - 24/08/2008

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