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EUROlocal Conference/Workshop

Oct 27 2011
Oct 29 2011
Loewenberg Centre

You are invited to join the EUROlocal team partners and associates at a Conference/Workshop marking the culmination of this two-year project. This Conference/Workshop will bring together academics and practitioners in practical sessions to explore all aspects of Learning Cities and Regions. At the same time it will give delegates the opportunity to describe their own experiences and knowledge on this most important topic.

Attendance at the Conference/Workshop is a must for regional developers, local authorities, academics in disciplines associated with regional development and regional and national decision-makers.

The event is to be held at the Centre Loewenberg situated in the historical town of Murten in Switzerland. Full programme details are published below together with an application form and travel information.

For further information, please contact Lynette Jordan or Ruth Jermann.


The Conference/Workshop Programme

Day 1 – 27. October


Day 2 – 28. October


13.00 Registration and Marketplace - An opportunity to display relevant projects and activities for all to see. Open to all delegates.

Session 1 (Session Chair: Ruth Jermann)

15.00 Opening – Welcome (Swiss Speaker - to be named)

15.15 Keynote Speaker 1 – Adult Education and HE in Regional Development, Maike Koops (European Commission)

15.45 Keynote Speaker 2 – Activating European Regions, Elisa Boelman (Committee of the Regions)

16.15 Questions and Answers

16.30 Audience participation Activity 1 - Ruth Jermann (Swiss Federation for Adult Learning)

Session 2 (Session Chair: Norman Longworth)

16.45 The Eurolocal Storehouse of Learning Region Resources - Lynette Jordan (Glasgow University)

17.05 Parallel Sessions (5) “Tools and Resources for Learning Regions” (EUROlocal partners). Delegates will be able to see and use some of the Learning Region development tools and resources on the EUROlocal website and comment on how they can be applied in their own regional settings. They include Stakeholder Audit Tools, Learning Needs Audit Tools, Modules and Courses on Learning Region development, publications, strategies, projects, presentations, charters etc.

18.10 Feedback Session

18.30 Close

20.00 Dinner


Session 3 (Session Chair: Jutta Thinesse-Demel)

09.00 Keynote Speaker 3 – The Public Sector and Learning Regions, Rudolph Tippelt (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)

09.30 Keynote Speaker 4 – The Private Sector and Learning Regions, Paolo Federighi (EARLALL)

10.00 Question and Answers

10.15 Audience Participation Activity 2 - Ruth Jermann (Swiss Federation for Adult Learning)

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00 The Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders in a Learning Region - Norman Longworth (PASCAL)

11.10 Parallel Sessions on Stakeholders and Partnership Working. Here groups will engage in creative discussion about the roles of stakeholders in the creation of a Learning Region. They will produce recommendations which will be displayed for all to see and comment upon.

Group 1: Adult and Higher Education
Group 2: Schools and Communities
Group 3: The Local and Regional Authority
Group 4: Cultural Organisators (Libraries, Museums)
Group 5: The Private Sector

12.30 Feedback and Discussion

13.00 Lunch

Session 4 (Session Chair: Ettore Ruggiero)

14.15 Roundtables on Quality in Learning Regions (R3L+ project team)

15.15 Sandpit sessions. These are open discussion sessions in which everyone gets to identify priority issues and opportunities for project proposals. Results are displayed for all to see and comment upon.

16.30 Feedback from sandpit sessions and discussion


Day 3 – 29. October


Session 5 (Session Chair: Balazs Nemeth)

09.00 Keynote Speaker 5 – A Perspective on the future development of learning regions in Europe, Marku Markulla (President of the EPPs Europe 2020 Taskforce Finland)

09.30 Keynote Speaker 6 – Learning Cities - Building a Future CEMR (Council of European Municipal Regions)

10.00 Question and Answers

10.15 Parallel Sessions (5) - Recommendations for European Learning Regions policy. The Policy Paper on the local and regional dimensions of Lifelong Learning is now 10 years old. These sessions will produce the recommendation for content of a new policy paper to the Commission. It is timely in view of discussions presently taking place over educational policy post 2013.

Session 6 (Session Chair: Michael Osborne)

11.30 Final Plenary session with feedback

12.00 Final keynote (Swiss speaker: to be named)

12.30 Lunch and farewells


About the Venue

Centre Loewenberg, Murten, SwitzerlandNestled in a quiet park amidst the charming landscape of German and French-speaking Switzerland, the Loewenberg Centre is the ideal venue for all sorts of gatherings.

For more information please see their promotional brochure and Pocket Guide.


About the Location

Murten (French: Morat) is a municipality in the See district of the canton of Fribourg in Switzerland. It is located on the southern shores of Lake Morat. Morat is situated between Berne and Lausanne and is the capital of the Lake District of the canton of Fribourg.

This small medieval town lies in the Swiss "Midlands" on the edge of the Great Marsh, on a gentle hill (450 metres above sea level) and on the shore of Lake Morat (or Murtensee in German). Numerous attractions from a significant past have been well preserved here, such as the castle, the ring wall, the street scene and the arcades. Lake Morat is a smaller lake located in between Lake Biel and Lake Neuchâtel.

Application Form

Please download the application form here.

Travel Information

By train: Making it easily accessible from the airport at Berne or Geneva, the Centre Loewenberg has a stop right outside the door ("Muntelier Löwenberg") with good links in all directions (BLS or TPF). See the SBB (Swiss railways network) site for details.

By car: On the A1: exit Murten and take the road marked "Bern - Neuchâtel - Lausanne" - see the "Pocket Guide" for a local map. No vehicles are allowed on the grounds of the Centre Loewenberg although Drop-of of Conference/Workshop materials is allowed.


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