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New report on community engagement in higher education

The European Commission has just published a new report entitled Community Engagement in Higher Education: Trends, Practices and Policies, which I wrote as a member of the Network of Experts on the Social Dimension of Education and Training (NESET), and which was also reviewed by Ellen Hazelkorn.

While closely related to the TEFCE (Towards a European Framework for Community Engagement in Higher Education) project, the report was drafted as a separate report to synthesise the work carried out during the project and to provide the European Commission’s DG EAC with further information on their additional areas of interest (the policy landscape, good practices and specific recommendations for the European Commission).

My hope is that this report will represent a platform for increased advocacy towards the European Commission on the importance of strengthening the community engagement of universities in Europe in the next decade.

Best regards,


Thomas Farnell
Stručnjak za politike visokog obrazovanja/
Higher Education Policy Expert
Institut za razvoj obrazovanja /
Institute for the Development of Education

Zagreb, Croatia

The report is available featured below and attached...


neset_ar1-2020_analytical-report.pdf1.24 MB

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