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Office of Knowledge Capital

AUSTRALIA (Melbourne)
Link Person: 
David Campbell
Chris Duke

Office of Knowledge Capital representing the Australian Catholic University, City of Melbourne, Committee for Melbourne, Deakin University, La Trobe University, Monash University, RMIT University, Swinburne University of Technology, University of Melbourne and Victoria University, Australia

The Office of Knowledge Capital seeks collaboration across the HE sector and regional/city government in order to develop and promote Melbourne as Australia’s Knowledge Capital. Its strategic objectives are to develop and promote Melbourne locally, nationally and globally to achieve recognition as “Australia’s Knowledge Capital” and a “Global University City”; to facilitate collaboration across and between the university sector with governments, industries and communities; and form links with similar ‘knowledge cities’ to enable mutually beneficial interactions.

The Greater Melbourne Region in the Australian State of Victoria is the State’s capital city, and the main administrative, industrial and commercial centre of Victoria. It has a strong industrial, cultural and sporting heritage, and is Australia’s 2nd largest city. Its 3.6 million people comprise the broad ethnic base of a truly multicultural society. Its eight universities (some ‘dual sector’ providing technical and further or TAFE as well as higher education) with in addition a number of separate TAFE institutes, represent an extensive higher education and skills system supporting R&D and innovation.

What does PASCAL do with the Office of Knowledge Capital?

The Office of Knowledge Capital funds the Pascal's PURE study in Melbourne

The Office of Knowledge Capital has provided a member of the Consultative Review Group for the PURE study in Thames Gateway (David Campbell)


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