IxD&A (Interaction Design and Architecture (s)) Journal has produced a special issue on "People Centered Smart Territories: Design, Learning & Analytics" (No 20, Spring 2014) This issue provides a useful reminder that we need to move beyond technology in considering the Smart City approach.
It has long been recognised that Europe is facing a number of socio-economic and demographic challenges. Increasing globalisation, rapid technological change, an ageing population, improving the level of education; increasing social and labour risks and the demands of a more knowledge- and skills-intensive European labour market, have resulted in the need to provide adults with opportunities to increase their skill levels in order to meet these challenges [European Commission (EC) 2010a].
Gender-role stereotypes are barriers to women trying to access education, choosing the course they want to study (for example, nursing versus engineering) and participating in lifelong learning. And in the job market, salaries, promotion opportunities and professional development all reflect gender inequalities. In both cases – a professional career and access to education and lifelong learning – reality shows that the personal factors derived from caring for dependent persons and greater family responsibilities are the main causes of the inequalities between men and women.
The fourth edition of WORLD CITIES SUMMIT (WCS), held from 1–4 June, attracted 1,168 senior-level participants, including 129 mayors and city leaders, 26 ministers and 80 internationally renowned speakers, from 67 countries and regions.
I am a coordinator of Taipei Learning City, and have written some articles about Learning Cities over the past three years. The files included below consist of articles on the Taipei Learning City website.
I hope these articles can help you understand Taipei Learning City better.