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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

DIISRTE Brussels Alert: EU announces final and biggest ever set of FP-7 calls

The European Commission announced the 2013 Work Programme of the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7). The last set of calls for proposals under FP7 will provide €8.1 billion for projects and ideas that will boost Europe's competitiveness and address key issues such as human health, environmental protection and challenges resulting from growing urbanisation and waste management. 

CDS Preconference Webinar Series - Community Measurement

The Community Change Coalition (CCC), composed of 20 U.S. university-based researchers and community development practitioners, has met for the past several years to explore better ways to help local leaders improve the quality of life in rural communities. The discussions have been lively and productive in exposing Coalition members to new approaches and ways to work with local leaders and bring about improvements in communities.

Invitation to participate: Training and Capacity Building for Cities

On behalf of the European Commission, the EU Cities Adapt project has the pleasure to invite cities to take part in the training phase of the project, aiming at building capacity on climate change adaptation in cities.

Submit your completed application form by 16 July 2012.

Your city will have the opportunity to benefit from a comprehensive capacity development package free of charge, including a training programme facilitated by experienced coaches with the result of developing a tailored adaptation strategy.

New learning resource on climate change launched

The Institute of Development Studies and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) have launched a new learning resource to support learning on climate change.

Commission case - games for inclusion

In June 2012 Aarhus Social and Healthcare College was invited to dialogues in Sevilla Spain with the EU Commission’s research group Digital Games for Inclusion.

The research group’s mission is to prepare future European policy and funding program initiatives in the field of serious games for inclusion, with a special focus on inclusion of young people and strongly linking to innovation of educational didactics.

Lettre CMA n°2

Veuillez trouver La LETTRE n°2 du CMA. C'est un outil exceptionnel pour contribuer au débat public et intervenir dans l'espace scientifique et professionnel. C'est aussi un lieu d'échanges entre les acteurs des apprentissages tout au long de la vie.


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