Welcome to the first newsletter of 2020 from Policy Scotland.
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2020 from Policy Scotland.
I'm delighted to say we have some exciting events coming up, organised in collaboration with partner organisations.
In February there's a great opportunity for education professionals to come together and contribute to the development of the empowerment agenda in Scottish education, working with some of the world's leading educationalists. And we're currently looking for speakers for the first seminar of a series that will enable people working in the third sector and researchers to explore the many facets of third sector and academic collaborations.
Events like these support a key part of Policy Scotland's mission: facilitating the flow of knowledge between practitioners and academic researchers. We look forward to welcoming you to these events, and to creating many other opportunities to share and exchange knowledge in the year ahead.
Professor Chris Chapman, Director of Policy Scotland
Empowerment, equity and excellence: Where next for Scottish education?
Location: Hilton Grosvenor Hotel, Glasgow Date: Friday 21 February 2020 Time: 9am-2pm Cost: £95 per delegate
The conference is aimed at teachers and educational leaders in schools and local authorities. The aim is to explore the key emerging debates within Scottish education and it is hoped that it will be the catalyst for a systemic conversation and debate within the profession to develop a shared understanding about what the future of an empowered Scottish education system might and should look like.
Learning together: The possibilities and practicalities of academic and third sector collaboration
Policy Scotland is delighted to be working with the Scottish Third Sector Research Forum to organise a series of half-day events in 2020 to explore the many facets of third sector and academic collaborations.
The aim of the series is to enable academics and those working in the third sector who are interested in doing and/or using third sector research to explore issues and celebrate success in collaborative relationships.
Call for speakers - April event
We are now looking for speakers to share their experience in organising, undertaking and disseminating research in collaboration with a third sector organisation at the first event in early April.
The aim is to showcase the experience of MSc, PhD or Postdoc/Early Career Researchers who have collaborated with a third sector organisation for their projects. Researchers will share some of their key considerations and issues when undertaking this work, and share the impact of this collaboration on the outcomes of their research.
If you would like to present your research please email Sarah Weakley at Policy Scotland ([email protected]) by 18 February 2020 with a short paragraph summarising your project (with links to your partner organisation and any project outputs if you have them) and two or three key lessons learned in the collaboration process.
Scottish Housing Policy Conference - Hold the date!
The annual Scottish Housing Policy Conference, organised by CaCHE and Policy Scotland, will take place on Wednesday 29 April 2020 in Glasgow.
More details available soon.
Audit Scotland publishes Scotland's City Region and Growth Deals report
£5.2 billion has been committed so far to supporting economic development in all parts of Scotland through city region and growth deals.
This new report from Audit Scotland concludes that city deals have been positive for Scotland's economy, but recommends that more mechanisms are put in place to measure their overall long-term success.
Policy Scotland was pleased to be able to contribute to the publication via our representatives on the report Advisory Group.