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Latest news on European Research in Learning and Work [L&W] - December 2019

In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences: the ECSM on Social Media in Cyprus, the ECKM on Knowledge Management in Coventry, the ECIE on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Rome and the Tourism Intelligence Forum in Algarve (see Conferences), the UFHRD conference on Sustainability and Ethics in Budapest, ECER 2020/VETNET in Glasgow, the EGOS stream on Humanizing Management in Hamburg and the UALL conference on Lifelong Learning in Liverpool (see Networks and Organisations), the ICO Spring School at Kerkrade and the DASCHE conference in Warsaw (see Programmes and Projects); also calls for papers for a monograph on Dimensions of Teacher Educators and for a special issue on Non-Traditional Students in Tertiary Education (see Publications) and Cedefop's call for tender for the Skills Forecast (see Networks and Organisations). And not to overlook: the position of PhD researcher offered by the Zurich University of Teacher Education (see Networks and Organisations)!

Special thanks to all who contributed information for this edition, and also to our partners CR&DALL, CVER, ILO Employment Policy Department, PASCAL International Observatory, UFHRD, UNEVOC, VET&Culture and VETNET for providing input and sharing the L&W Newsletter via their mailing lists and web portals.

The L&W Newsletter focuses on transnational research activities across Europe in the field of human resource development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on major categories: conferences, networks and organisations, programmes, projects and publications. The next edition will appear in early February 2020. You are invited to submit short texts (100 to 200 words, including links to web pages, but without attachments) - please by 31 January 2020 at the latest!

The L&W Newsletter reaches you via a mailing list of experts in and beyond Europe. You can also view the latest edition in the relaunched WIFO Gateway and download the L&W Newsletter in PDF. Please pass the Newsletter on to your colleagues and networks.

With best wishes
Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter
Contact: [email protected]

Please note: My new email address [email protected] has replaced the former address <sabine.manning[at]>. My contact address [email protected] continues to be valid.


Call for papers: Social media

7th European Conference on Social Media (ECSM 2020), to be held at UCLan Cyprus, Larnaca, Cyprus on 2-3 July 2020
ECSM seeks to establish a home for researchers and practitioners with a wide range of approaches to engaging with the impact, use and potential of social media across disciplines. The conference committee welcomes contributions on a wide array of topics using a range of scholarly approaches including theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative and critical methods. Key Topics include: Social media in business, Social media in education, Social media in the present knowledge economy, The networked citizen, Monitoring and evaluating social media. For more information on Submission Topics please click here. The second call is open until the 20th December 2019. Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. ECSM 2020 will also be hosting the final round of the 3rd Social Media in Practice Excellence Awards (for further information see page).
(Info received from Annette Young <[email protected]> via UFHRD mailing list)

Call for papers: Knowledge management
21st European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), University of Coventry, UK, 3–4 September 2020
ECKM is the longest running Academic Knowledge Management Conference in Europe. The conference is generally attended by participants from more than 40 countries and attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of Knowledge Management. Key topics include: Knowledge management in the organisation, Knowledge innovation, Intellectual capital, Knowledge sharing. The abstract submission deadline is 12 February 2020 (see call for papers). For more information on submission topics, or to submit an abstract, click here. A number of journals including the Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management publish the results of research presented at this conference. The conference hosts a PhD and Master colloquium and also the final round of The 6th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards (see page).
(Info obtained from acpi website: conferences)

Call for papers: Innovation and entrepreneurship
15th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE) 17-18 September 2020, Rome, Italy
ECIE 2020 will be hosted by the Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma (UNINT). The conference attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship teaching and research. Key topics include: Management of innovation, Economics of innovation and entrepreneurship, Innovation and entrepreneurship for educators, Innovation and entrepreneurship in business, International innovation and entrepreneurship, Innovation and entrepreneurship in minority groups. The abstract submission deadline is 26 February 2020 (see call for papers). For more information on submission topics, or to submit an abstract, click here. ECIE 2020 also offers a Mini Track on Entrepreneurship Education and Learning. Fore more details click here. For the 6th consecutive year, ECIE hosts the final round of The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards (see page).
(Info obtained from acpi website: conferences)

t-Forum 2020 conference
The Tourism Intelligence Forum (t-Forum) is pleased to announce its 2020 Global Conference, to be held in Algarve, Portugal, from 18-21 March 2020.
Organized by the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs), in partnership with Pestana Group, the t-Forum 2020 conference, Breaking Old Barriers for a New World: Mobilizing Intelligence to Survive, is all about transfer of knowledge or intelligence to and within tourism. This is an opportunity for presentations discussing the whys and hows of tourism intelligence mobility in all directions, among all tourism stakeholders/sectors, both public and private. It moves beyond customary programs by featuring get-involved keynote panels with round table discussion, as well as keynote talks, parallel sessions, and workshops. The t-Forum 2020 offers also high standard publication opportunities and feature eight distinguished Best Paper Awards to top papers presented at the conference. Submissions are welcome! The deadline is January 15, 2020. More info at:
(Posted by Julieta Alves Rosa <[email protected]>)

GeNeMe 2019: Proceedings
Communities in New Media. Researching the Digital Transformation in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration. Proceedings of 22nd Conference GeNeMe 2019 [Details]
Digitalization is more than ever the key topic in economics, science and societal developments. Infrastructures and competencies are at the forefront of many debates. The question of which industry is or will be affected by digitalization next and to what extent is not only driving executives around. While information technology innovations were something for so-called '(hyper-)nerds' until recently, it has become an everyday item. We seem to have embarked on permanent change. But where does the journey actually take us? Are large amounts of data a threat or an opportunity? Is it even possible to process them, or do we need fundamentally changed tools and methods - such as Visual Analytics, Virtual Reconstruction, Virtual Engineering? The 22nd GeNeMe has taken up these issues and will present them in various discussions. The conference is managed by a group of scientists from the Faculties of Education and Economics as well as the Media Center of the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), with the kind support of Silicon Saxony e.V. Partner universities support the University of German Statutory Accident Insurance (HGU), HTW Dresden, the FH Dresden together with Dresden International University (DIU) as co-organizers on both contents and organization of the 22nd GeNeMe 2019. An international Steering Committee has previously conducted the selection of the more than 50 German and English language submissions in the form of a double blind peer review. The result of it can be seen in these conference proceedings.
(Contributed by Thomas Köhler <[email protected]>)

NOTE: Forthcoming and recent events related to European research in work and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference page [].

Networks and Organisations

UFHRD 2020 conference: Call for proposals
Call for Proposal Submissions to the 21th International UFHRD Conference "Sustainability and Ethics: The Responsibility of HRD in the Global Society" hosted by the Budapest Business School and the University of Pécs in Budapest, Hungary, June 10-12, 2020
The conference welcomes presentations on the latest research findings, current practices and theoretical development in HRD. We would like to invite academics, practitioners and students working in any HRD-related fields to contribute to the conference by presenting papers, participating in sessions and discussions, and attending workshops. The conference accepts full papers, working papers, and practice-based papers describing original research, studies and/or innovative practices that have not been published elsewhere. The official language for this international conference is English. Submissions are to be made to one or more of the above categories by selecting the appropriate Conference Stream from the following list: 1. Leadership Management and Talent Development; 2. Coaching and Mentoring; 3. Global, Comparative and Cross Cultural Dimensions of HRD; 4. Employee Engagement; 5. Diversity and Equality Issues in HRD; 6. Workplace Learning, Training and Development; 7. Strategic Capabilities and HRD; 8. Learning in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); 9. Critical Approaches to HRD; 10. Practitioner Research, and Learning and Teaching Research; 11. Sustainability and Ethics in HRD. The Proposal Submission deadline is January 20, 2020. For more information about the Conference, the Call for Papers, and the Proposal Submissions please visit the conference website at

(Information received from Maria Cseh <[email protected]> and the UFHRD Executive Secretary <[email protected]>)

UFHRD 2020: Special tracks
University Forum for HRD International Conference 2020: Stream 10 with sub-tracks on Practitioner Research, and Learning and Teaching Research (details of UFHRD 2020 see above!)
Bridging the divide between practice and research is a key issue in an applied discipline like HRD and is especially important as a feature of sustainability and ethics. We welcome contributions from practitioners in work organizations, both inside and outside of higher education. We hope to receive submissions that are drawn from a wide range of employment and national contexts. There will be two sub-tracks in this stream: (1) Practitioner-researcher track and (2) Learning and teaching research track. For further details please see special Call for papers. Deadline for submission: 20 January 2020. Publication opportunities: Papers submitted to the stream may be considered for further development and publication in: Action Learning: Research and Practice: Special Issue "Adaptive Action Learning", final paper submission 9 July 2020. For more information please contact: Valerie Anderson <[email protected]> and Aileen Lawless <[email protected]>

(Information obtained from Valerie Anderson and Aileen Lawless via the UFHRD mailing list)

ECER 2020/VETNET: Call for proposals 
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, UK, 25-28 August 2020 
The call for proposals for ECER 2020 is open from 1 December 2019 to 31 January 2020. We encourage proposals with various theoretical and methodological backgrounds on technical and vocational education and training. Proposals are welcomed that discuss the conference theme "Educational Research (Re)connecting Communities" or any other topic relevant for VET. VETNET covers various research areas including the governance, design, financing and transfer of VET systems, VET teachers and trainers in initial and continuous VET, learners' career options and pathways from school to work to retirement, with its transitions and the need to maintain and develop knowledge and skills across the life-span, and learning and professional development at different learning venues such as workplaces or schools. Also, we welcome proposals that take up discussions from previous years to deepen and extend these discussions. Just take a look at the Programme 2019 and the VETNET Proceedings 2018 and 2019.
VETNET membership: Become a VETNET member. You can now become a member of VETNET, the European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training. Check the community website for more information
(Contributed by Christof Nägele <[email protected]> & Barbara Stalder <[email protected]>)

VETNET: Vocational skills week/ VET researcher award
The European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training VETNET and the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults ESREA contributed actively, in cooperation with the DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, to the fourth European Vocational Skills Week in Helsinki in October. Find a short report on the researchers' workshop here. VETNET also organised the nomination procedure of the VET Researcher Award in the category "VET Innovators" as part of the VET Excellence Awards 2019. Nominated were Paolo Federighi, Università degli Studi die Fierenze and - the later winner - Fernando Marhuenda and his team, Universitat de València. Congratulations!
(Contributed by Christof Nägele <[email protected]> & Barbara Stalder <[email protected]>)


EGOS stream call: Humanizing management
36the EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium: Stream 26 on "Humanizing Management: Foundations, Precautions, and Prospects", Hamburg, Germany, 2-4 July, 2020
Whichever path is taken, the consideration of humanization inevitably raises moral questions that are conducive to different ways of theorizing, and practicing, management. The major purpose of this sub-theme is to explore the way humanization may be considered in the study of management and organizations, i.e. in terms of dehumanization but also with reference to the potential of management practice and research to (re-)humanize people, social relations, work, organizations and management itself. We welcome a range of theoretical and empirical contributions on processes of (de-/re-)humanization. Please refer to the full call for stream 26. Deadline for submissions of short papers: January 14, 2020.

(Information received via UFHRD mailing list c/o Jim Stewart <[email protected]>)

UALL 2020: Call for submissions
The University Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) UK is pleased to announce its upcoming Annual Conference, hosted by the University of Liverpool, 1-3 April 2020. The theme of the Conference is "Diversity, identity and inclusion in Lifelong Learning: Shaping a 2020 vision for mature students". This conference will explore the context, frameworks, and approaches needed for lifelong learning to thrive in the coming decades. It will encourage international as well as UK perspectives and encourage participation from both consumers – mature students themselves – and those involved in delivering vision and programmes within the higher education sector. Papers, panel and workshop proposals are invited (see list of themes). Please email your submission to [email protected]. Deadline: Monday 16th December 2019. For more information please visit the conference page.
(Information received from CR&DALL Site Digest)

Position of PhD researcher
PhD researcher "Recognition of prior learning in vocational education and training" 70-100% (m/w/d)
The Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich) is welcoming applications to the position as a PhD researcher with a focus on "Recognition of prior learning in vocational education and training". The post is based on a limited assignment of 18 months and will provide initial financing during the early phase of a doctoral project in the field of research on vocational education and training. Applicants will enrol as doctoral student at a Swiss university, which will support your research project in cooperation with the Zurich University of Teacher Education. Here are the details for application: [English] [German]. 
(Contributed by Markus Maurer <[email protected]>)

Digital platform ETF Open
The European Training Foundation's Community of Practice for Professional Development for Vocational Teachers has created a totally new digital platform called ETF Open, which now offers news, resources, good practice, notice of events and research and training opportunities relating to CPD (continued professional development).  We are inviting you to register to join the new platform:  It takes only 1 minute! The new platform offers you free advice, resources, research, contacts and interactions with respect to all of the rest of ETF's work on skills - employment, qualifications, governance, curriculum etc. You can: learn about new projects, write a blog, download a resource, select which topics you want to hear about. Check out ETF's resources to support Video Pedagogy and join the community. Contact: Julian Stanley ([email protected]).

(Information received from Julian Stanley via ETF mailing list)

NOTE: References to research networks in the field of European work and learning are available on the WIFO page Networks at a glance []. Contact: Sabine Manning

Programmes and Projects

ICO International Spring School 2020
The international networking conference for all PhD candidates in Educational Sciences at Rolduc Abbey, Kerkrade, the Netherlands, March 16-20, 2020
The ICO ISS2020 is an international conference and an educational event for all PhD candidates who conduct research in the domain of learning, instruction and education. During this week you will participate in workshops given by international researchers, and you will be able to learn from the keynote lectures by two renowned scholars in the field of educational sciences. You will also present your own research and receive feedback from experienced researchers and your peers. During the extensive social programme you will really get to know your international colleagues and build up contacts for life. We are expecting PhD students from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and other European countries. The submission deadline for your abstract and paper is February 1, 2020. For further information please visit the ICO ISS2020 website.

(Information received from Caroline Vonk <[email protected]>)

DASCHE conference: Call for proposals
The 2nd international DASCHE project conference "Social competences – the new dimension of the traditional mission of higher education" will take place in Warsaw, 28 February 2020 at the SGH/ Warsaw School of economics.
The focus of the final conference organised by the DASCHE project lies on the third mission of universities in rapidly changing work and life conditions, such as the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Higher education students and graduates play an essential role in developing and maintaining culture, humanity and democracy – developing social cohesion, preventing exclusion and extremism. Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are responsible for preparing their graduates not only for the labour market, but also for being enlightened and active members of society. During this conference, we want to provide a platform for discussion on problem-related issues at European and national level. We also wish to create a showcase for different projects and ideas devoted to social competence teaching and learning, not only in the context of labour market and professional-related skills, but also on critical engagement, social consciousness and empowerment facing the challenges of nowadays. Call for proposals: Papers until December 16th, 2019, Posters until January 10th, 2020. The deadline is expected to be extended, please contact us directly: [email protected]. The working language of the conference is English. Detailed information is provided online on
(Contributed by Kristina Kühn <[email protected]>)

Artificial intelligence and VET teachers and trainers
The European Erasmus plus project 'Improving the Skills and Competences of VET teachers and trainers in the age of Artificial Intelligence' brings together partners from five countries to provide initial training and continued professional development for VET teachers and trainers in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The project will support VET teachers and trainers in extending and adapting open curriculum models for incorporating AI in vocational education and training. The project will develop a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in AI in education in English and German, open to all teachers and trainers in VET in Europe. The course materials will be freely available for other organisations to use for professional development. AI is seen as particularly important for vocational education and training as it promises profound changes in employment and work tasks. Not only are some jobs vulnerable and new jobs likely to be created but there will be changing tasks and roles within jobs, requiring changes in initial and continuing training, for those in work as well as those seeking employment. This will require changes in existing VET content, new programmes such as the design of AI systems in different sectors, and adaptation to new ways of cooperative work with AI. The project is coordinated by the Institut Technik und Bildung at the University of Bremen. More details from Ludger Deitmer: ­­[email protected]
(Contributed by Graham Attwell <[email protected]>)

Skills forecast: Call for tender
Cedefop has launched a call for tender for the Skills Forecast. Cedefop, since 2005, has developed a methodological framework to estimate projections for the skills demand and supply across EU Member States. The main objective of this contract is to produce regular Skills Forecasts, consistent in scope and level of detail with the previous releases, and analyse the results producing high quality outputs. The procurement documents are available via the TED e-Tendering platform. Tenders must be submitted exclusively via the electronic submission system (e-Submission) available from the above link to the e-Tendering platform. All related information can be accessed through the following link. Deadline for submitting tenders: 05/12/2019 (17h00 Greek local time).
(Info received viaCedefop Skillsnet mailing list)

NOTE: Contributions are invited to update the Overview of European research projects [], provided as part of the WIFO Gateway. Contact: Sabine Manning


Dimensions of teacher educators: Call for papers  
Call for Papers: Multiple Dimensions of Teacher Educators in the Global Further Education and Lifelong Learning Sector. Research monograph. Editor: Sai Loo, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, England

This call for papers is on teacher educators in the related further education (and skills) sector across the world. It follows the Routledge publication of Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education: Pathways, knowledge, identities and vocationalism (Loo, 2020). The research monograph aims to understand how teacher educators across the globe perform as trainers in the sector. The editor is keen to accept manuscripts, preferably based on empirical research, using theoretical frameworks that have applicability in teacher training and are related explicitly to teacher educators. Contributions may come from academics, researchers, practitioners, managers and associated stakeholders. Interested authors are invited to address their queries and submit their manuscripts by e-mail to Sai Loo at [email protected]. Deadline for submitting abstracts: 31 March 2020. For further details please visit full call on vetnetsite.
(Information received from Michael Gessler via vetnet mailing list)

Non-traditional students in tertiary education: Call for papers
Studia paedagogica, 25:4, 2020 Issue Topic: Non-Traditional Students in Tertiary Education. Editors: Petr Novotný, Milada Rabušicová, Maria Slowey [Details]
The theme of the forthcoming issue of Studia paedagogica is Non-Traditional Students in Tertiary Education. The number of students not reflecting the 'standard' profile of students in tertiary education has been steadily increasing in many countries. Often referred to as 'non-traditional' students, for purposes of international comparison, Schuetze and Slowey identify three distinguishing criteria: educational biography, mode of study and entry routes. The position of non-traditional students can be viewed from the individual level of their life and educational biography, but also from the institutional and social level of tertiary education. The proposed monothematic issue of this journal shall be focused on these and related topics. The deadline for abstracts is 29 February, 2020, and the deadline for full texts is 31 May, 2020. Both abstracts and full texts are to be sent to the e-mail address [email protected]. You can find more information at:
(Information received from CR&DALL Site Digest)

Future developments in European VET
Jörg Markowitsch & Günter Hefler (2019). Future developments in Vocational Education and Training in Europe. EUR - Scientific and Technical Research Reports [Details]
Contrary to general education, vocational education and training (VET) has been an area of cooperation from the very beginning of the European Union. The VET systems of the EU member states have become more open and have developed their access routes to higher and further education. Since 1995, common drivers for developments in VET across EU member states have included structural ones as shrinking birth-cohorts or changes in skill demands induced by new technologies and digitalisation as well as institutional ones, for instance, a new emphasis on learning outcomes or the introduction of qualification frameworks. However, common drivers have resulted in different trajectories taken by the various national VET systems,  perpetuating the diversity of VET in Europe. The paper discusses long-term structural changes and recent trends within VET (such as vocational drift in education, hybridisation of general and vocational education, increasing permeability of educational pathways in initial VET) and how they might play out in the future. Given that the trends continue, it can be expected that by 2030 national qualification frameworks in most EU member states will be firmly established, thereby organising a diversity of vocational qualifications ranging from EQF level 1 to 8 – including professional doctorates.
(Information received from Sabine Schwenk <[email protected]>)

Short-track apprenticeships
Gina Di Maio, Lukas Graf, Anna Wilson (2019). Torn between economic efficiency and social equality? Short-track apprenticeships in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. European Educational Research, Journal Vol 18 Issue 6 [Details]
Educational institutions, especially those facilitating vocational education and training (VET), face the challenge of combining social goals, such as the provision of quality education for a large section of the population, with rising economic utility demands. However, we know little about how VET systems institutionalize these different demands and, further, how social and economic goals are actually institutionalized in VET. Our article aims to unpack this puzzle by analysing short-track dual vocational training programmes (short-tracks) in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. These short-tracks combine on-the-job and school-based training, targeting candidates who face difficulties entering full-length dual programmes. Thus, short-tracks are prime examples of training programmes located at the nexus of economic and social demands. In our comparative institutional analysis, we bridge the political economy of collective skill formation and sociological institutionalism literatures. We find that the institutionalization of goals in VET not only differs between countries but that there is also considerable variation within national VET systems. Our analysis reveals that VET regulations, regional and sectoral standards, and the legitimization of key actors can differ greatly in their institutionalization of social and economic goals.
(Contributed by Lukas Graf <[email protected]>)

Apprenticeships for adults
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) held a meeting in Helsinki as part of Vocational Skills Week 2019 on "Apprenticeships for adults. How can we make apprenticeships a lifelong opportunity?". The EAfA organised a conference to discuss what opportunities apprenticeships can offer to adults, what specific challenges hinder the take-up of adults apprenticeships and what strategies can be put in place to overcome these challenges. The conference also gave Lidia Salvatore from Cedefop and Shinyoung Jeon from OECD the opportunity to present the findings of their on-going and recent studies on these issues. For further information please visit this page and the PDF report.
(Information obtained from LLLP Insights - November 2019 <[email protected]>)

Intermediary organizations in apprenticeships
ILO report: Intermediary organizations in apprenticeship systems. 28 October 2019 [Details and download]
Intermediary organizations in apprenticeships are those that act on behalf of, link or mediate between the main parties – apprentices and employers. Despite the importance of intermediary organizations for the effective operation of apprenticeship systems, little research has been conducted on the various roles and services they provide. This paper highlights different ways of classifying intermediary organizations, provides examples of different types of such organizations and examines the different roles they can play to support the effective operation of apprenticeship systems. The paper includes brief case studies of intermediary organizations in Australia, India, and England.
(Information received via ILO Employment Newsletter <[email protected]>)

NOTE: References to publications on European research in learning and work are provided by the WIFO pages on Books [],  Journals [] and Articles [].


Editor of the L&W Newsletter: Dr Sabine Manning, Research Forum WIFO;
Email: [email protected]  (or:  [email protected]);
Address: Neue Blumenstr. 1, D-10179 Berlin, Germany;
Editions of the L&W Newsletter: six times a year, every two months (at the beginning of February, April, June, August, October, December);
Deadline for contributions to the L&W Newsletter: end of January, March, May, July, September, November;
Details and Archive of the L&W Newsletter [];
See also our update on Data Protection.



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