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Report on Higher Education and Lifelong Learning

This report on Higher Education and Lifelong Learning published today by Reseach voor Beleid in the Netherlands was commissioned by the Dutch government, and is authored by Simon Broek, Jos de Jonge and PASCAL Associate, Barry Hake. 

This study aimed at finding and exploring good practices in a number of European countries and elsewhere. The participation of adults in higher education is dependent on many factors: for instance, the learning culture that exists in a country, the policies that have been developed, the structures that are in place, the organisation of higher education, etc. In this study, these issues are covered to give a picture on the situation of adults in higher education and to embed the different measures that are implemented in the countries. In adiition three case studies have been carried out on particular policy measures to make higher education better accessible for adults. In this study, higher education policies regarding the participation of adults are studied in Denmark, Sweden, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, United Kingdom and California (United States).

The report is in Dutch, but contains an English summary.

Report_on_Higher_Education_and_Lifelong_Learning.pdf1.75 MB

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