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UNESCO Chair in CBR Newsletter: April 2018

 Here is the latest UNESCO Chair in CBR Newsletter.

UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education
April 2018
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The first face to face residency under the January 2018 cohort of the Mentor Training Program under Knowledge for Change (K4C), was conducted between March 11 and March 23, 2018 at PRIA, New Delhi and O P Jindal Global University, Sonepat. Mentors from seven countries came together for a two-week intensive training and learning on Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR). The residency was facilitated by UNESCO Co-Chairs, Dr Budd Hall and Dr Rajesh Tandon. Guest lecturers included Dr Darlene Clover from University of Victoria and Dr Paulo Wangoola from MPAMBO Multiversity, Uganda.

The full report on the residency is available here:

UNESCO Chair Focus Areas
Knowledge Production & Mobilization
Critical engagements: empathy, subjectivity and changing narratives of water resources through participatory video
b9cd03bd-d9be-4b09-ab7c-e622b289cb58.jpg Dr Crystral Tremblay, associated as a research associate with the UNESCO Chair in CBR, along with Dr Leila Harris from University of Victoria co-authored a paper titled, ‘Critical engagements: Empathy, subjectivity and changing narratives of water resources through participatory video’. This paper was published in Geoforum, an international journal on innovative research in February 2018.

The full paper is available on the UNESCO Chair website and can be accessed here:

Community Engagement as a way forward for sustainable rural societies
b9cd03bd-d9be-4b09-ab7c-e622b289cb58.jpg The UNESCO Chair India team (Dr Rajesh Tandon & Ms. Wafa Singh) co-authored a paper, titled ‘Community Engagement as a way forward for sustainable rural societies’. This paper was published in the ‘Indian Journal of Rural Education and Engagement’ (brought out by the National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI) in October 2017).

The full paper is available on the UNESCO Chair website and can be accessed here:

* To access more UNESCO Chair publications, click here:

Policy Advocacy
ANQAHE 3rd Regional Conference, Kuwait, March 2018
b9cd03bd-d9be-4b09-ab7c-e622b289cb58.jpg The third regional conference of the Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ANQAHE) was held from March 27-29, 2018 in Kuwait City. As UNESCO Co-Chair on Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, Dr Tandon delivered the keynote address on “Societal Engagement as an Approach to Quality Improvement in Higher Education.”

A copy of his presentation can be accessed here:

Dr Tandon’s article on his reflections from the conference is also published as a blog on the UNESCO Chair website and featured in the University News, April 2018 edition. It can be accessed here:

Read more about the event here:

Educational Developers Caucus Conference, February 2018
977266f8-ffd1-4258-9563-9c8d174f7765.jpg Walter Lepore, UNESCO Chair project coordinator, participated in the Educational Developers’ Caucus Conference (EDC) 2018, Educational Developers Gaining an Edge, from February 14 to 16, 2018 at the University of Victoria, Canada. Walter delivered a presentation titled ‘Addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through teaching and learning community-based research (CBR): the case of the Knowledge for Change Consortium (K4C) and its Mentor Training Program’.

A copy of his presentation is available here:

More information about the event can be found at the EDC 2018 twitter account:

*To know more about the UNESCO Chair activities, refer to the ‘Programs & Initiatives’ section on the UNESCO Chair website. Access it here:

Capacity Enhancement
Recruitments begin for 2nd MTP cohort under K4C: August 2018
d4420b66-5f79-4e1a-ab28-4fd69fc0c874.jpg The UNESCO Chair team has started the recruitment process for the 2nd MTP cohort, which will run from the first week of August 2018 till the third week of December 2018. After successful running of the January 2018 cohort, much interest is seen from universities across the world to create CBPR hubs at their respective locations through the K4C program. There is interest coming in from new locations in India, Malaysia, Catalonia, Uganda and Canada among others.
The team will very soon announce the official registration dates and process for getting on board the August 2018 MTP cohort.

For more news on this front, keep visiting the K4C space on the UNESCO Chair website:

* To know more about the UNESCO Chair training activities, visit the ‘Capacity Enhancement’ section of the Chair website:

In the News
International action research mapping waste governance and grassroots innovations in waste management

Dr. Crystal Tremblay and Dr. Jutta Gutberlet will be in Kimusu, Kenya from April 23-28, 2018 co-hosting an international conference on waste governance, as part of a SSHRC project and in partnership with European partners and networks. The conference will bring together partners who will present case studies on waste picker initiatives in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Kisumu (Kenya), Managua (Nicaragua), Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), São Paulo (Brazil), Vancouver & Montreal (Canada). For more information, please visit:

Community Based Research Excellence Tool (CBRET) – Canadian launch and roll-out

Community Based Research Canada and the Centre for Community Based Research, will be hosting a workshop in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on May 28, 2018. The workshop will feature a reflective assessment tool for those doing community-based research and for those assessing the quality and impact of community-based research proposals and projects. This tool intends to challenge us to improve how research is done with communities. CBRC/CCBR have been involved in collaboratively developing and testing this tool over the past four years beginning with the SSHRC-funded National Summit on CBR excellence. More details about the tool and registration can be found here.

21st International Service-Learning Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 23-24, 2018

The Conference will be held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires in the City of Buenos Aires. Our Conference has been established as the most important event in the Latin American region for experts and institutions that drive the service-learning pedagogical approach. As in previous years, we will have workshops for participants with varying experience in the development of service-learning practices and programs and also with the participation of leading specialists from Argentina, Latin America, and other regions around the world.

Call for papers open until May 28th:

For further information, please check our Conference Site:

Training for Higher Education, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. June 21-22, 2018

Organized by the Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (CLAYSS) and with the support of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Tuzla - PMF, and International Association "Interactive open schools" - MIOS the SERVICE-LEARNING TRAINING for HIGHER EDUCATION will take place on 21st and 22nd June, 2018 at the premises of the University of Tuzla. Registrations can be done here:

Webinar on Making Connections and Building Relationships in Community Based Research; April 26, 2018

This webinar (hosted by Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada) will include presenters from the Trent Community Research Centre and McMaster University’s Office of Community Engagement who will discuss the way in which they help community to prepare, broker, develop and provide ongoing support for research projects involving students and community. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of different community-based research development models, as well as tools and resources for enhancing research outcomes for students, faculty, and community partners. For more information, or to register for this webinar, please visit the CFICE website.

15th PASCAL International Conference, Ajou University, Suwan City, Republic of Korea, Aug 30-Sep 1, 2018

The 15th PASCAL International Conference to co-organised and hosted by the Gyeonggi Do Provincial Institute for Lifelong Learning (GILL)and Ajou University from 30 August -1 September 2018 at Suwon City, Republic of Korea. The main theme of the Conference is Learning Cities, Learning Societies and the Sustainable Development Goals: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice. More details are available here:

International Conference on Humanities & Higher Education: Generating Synergies between Science, Technology & Humanities, Barcelona, Nov 19-20, 2018

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) has recently announced the GUNi International Conference on Humanities and Higher Education: Generating Synergies between Science, Technology and Humanities, which aims to be an international meeting debating on the role of the humanities, and the interrelation between humanities, science and technology in the 21st Century with a special focus on Higher Education. The registration for the conference is now open and can be done here: . More information can be found here:

Transformative potential of Science Shops: Join the Ideation

The inSPIRES project has recently announced its breakthrough campaign: Strengthening the transformative potential of science shops! The campaign’s main goal is to collect, develop and evaluate ideas related to science shops. You can join the platform here: and start sharing your ideas. You can also join Join now at and get the chance to win: Free admission to the Living Knowledge 8 conference; Exposure for a publication supported by InSPIRES & ESSRG; and support from InSPIRES to work on your potential solutions.

Community University Partnership Initiative, supported by the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)

The Community University Partnership Initiative (CUPI) supports community organisations and university researchers to create trusting and useful research collaborations which benefit all the partners involved. CUPI offers community organisations and universities, a chance to meet and explore if and how they could work together. Potential partnerships, emerging from these meetings, can then apply for small grants to help cover the cost of exploring their ideas to develop research projects together. Seed corn grants of up to £1000 are available to support partnership development. Read more on this initiative here:

*To know more about what is happening across the world in the field of community engagement, community based research and social responsibility in higher education, click here:

UNESCO Chair at Global Networks
Dr Budd Hall attends the UK Participatory Research Network Meeting in London

A dialogue on Participatory Research was hosted by the UK Participatory Research Network at the University of Nottingham at April 12, 2018. The event was attended by about 40 people. Many among them were from the University of Nottingham and the region. Read more here:

Dr. Crystal Tremblay, Research Director, UNESCO Chair invited to speak at the Network for Advancing & Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS).

This event will be held in Ottawa, on June 14-15, 2018. She will speak about the K4C initaitve and more broadly on innovations in impact measurement and community engagement. More information on this event can be found here:

Open Letter by Dr Hall & Dr Tandon: Knowledge Democracy on the Move

What we are calling a knowledge democracy movement has clearly reached a new stage of maturity. Whether it is the community-based participatory research and engaged scholarship we see now in many university-community partnerships, the growth of open science and citizen’s science initiatives, the recognition of multiple subaltern epistemologies, the Indigenous resurgence or the citizen-led and movement-led networked learning within global civil society, the role of citizen-led, knowledge has escaped the confines of the academy and is being understood as key to transformation needed when facing the complex and wicked problems in our cities, regions and world.

Read more here:

Meet the UNESCO Chair Team @

Talk on Knowledge Democracy and Higher Education, Bristol College for Education, April 25, 2018. For details, click here:

Talk on Knowledge, Innovation and UN SDGs: The Knowledge for Change (K4C) Global Consortium, London, April 26, 2018. For details, click here:

2nd HEIRRI Conference, Vienna, April 27, 2018. For details, click here:

CBPR Workshop, University of Regina, May 28, 2018. For details, click here:

Living Knowledge Network Conference 2018, Budapest, Hungary, May 31-June 2, 2018. For details, click here:

*To know more about the upcoming engagements of the Co-chair and the Chair team, click here:

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