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Action Plan - Lesotho

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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions PASCAL Universities Regional Engagement Project (PURE) ACTION PLAN LESOTHO, SOUTHERN AFRICA
1. June 2009:    Letters and benchmarking tools to local tertiary institutions (Lesotho College of Education, Limkokwing University, National Health Training College, Lerotoli Polytechnic) inviting proposals for how each institution would like to proceed. News item in NUL bulleting. Initial meeting to be held with Deans of Faculties and Directors of Institutes in NUL with a view to running a more detailed meeting/workshop in September 2009.
2. September 2009:  Workshop/meeting with Deans; workshop/meeting with IEMS Masters students to: a) Map NUL current activities in relation to benchmarking tools (items 5 and 8 of HE tools). b) Identify and develop Faculty level action plans for enhancing the university’s third mission.
3. October 2009  Possible follow up workshop with local tertiary institutions in Lesotho.
4. March 2010  Review workshop with NUL faculty level heads and local tertiary institutions.
5. April 2010  Revised action plans and targets for change; preparation of outcomes for Botswana conference.
6. September 2010  Botswana conference.
7. December 2010  Regional report on progress so far.  Other actions could include interactive discussions with relevant HEIs in other regions to compare notes etc. 
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Action Plan - Lesotho

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