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PASCAL is a membership organisation governed by an Executive Steering Group and assisted by an Advisory Board . It operates through, at present, 4 Centre Offices - each with a Co-Director, leading the work of the Centre, and an administrative support team.

The role of the Executive Steering Group is to provide support and advice to the three Co-Directors and have particular regard to the determination of policy, vision, reputation, technical/operational issues and to deal with matters of urgency. It consists of a Chair, a Vice Chair, the Co- Directors, a representative of the founding regions and two others by invitation of the Chair in recognition of their contribution to PASCAL.

The role of the Co- Directors is to jointly manage PASCAL operations and to deliver services to the membership linked to their respective nodes, to development policy and strategies for future activity and to ensure the continuing development of PASCAL. An Executive Officer co-ordinates the conduct of PASCAL business and operations.

The Advisory Board oversees the development of PASCAL, scrutinises the activities of the Executive Steering Group and provides strategic direction and advice. It consists of a Chair, a Vice Chair, the Co-Director from each regional office, a representative from each of the three founding regions together with other members who demonstrate that they have a commitment to PASCAL and who are drawn from either the academic sector, the public sector or a related area of interest. Between them these members reflect the whole span of focus of the PASCAL remit.

PASCAL International featurePASCAL draws expertise for its Board and Executive Steering Group from around the World - please see the PASCAL Principals Map & Directory for more details...



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