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Puglia Region

Link Person: 
Tiziana Corti
Chris Duke

Puglia, sits alongside the Adriatic south-east coast of Italy, is one of the largest of the country’s 20 regions, with a population of over four million. Its five provinces contain a number of major and minor centres, among them Bari and Brindisi. It enjoys good transport systems, and a diverse SME-based regional economy, but wishes to enhance its innovation systems. Problems include a brain drain and other needs of young people, poverty, and a gender gap in employment, where 68% of the workforce is male. The five universities in the region include one private institution and one of only three polytechnics in Italy.

What does Puglia do with PASCAL?

Puglia is a regional subscriber of PASCAL, and the first such subscriber in Italy

Puglia funds Pascal's PURE study in Puglia.


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