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Melbourne PURE Good Practice Report - Social Inclusion Theme

Melbourne PURE has undertaken a series of case studies of regionally-significant initiatives in which higher education institutions (HEIs) have been engaged. The purpose of the case studies has been to understand better the conditions and the factors which shape effective engagement by HEIs with key stakeholders in the Melbourne region. Each case study has been chosen because it contributes to a larger theme which has been identified as a key priority for Melbourne: regional innovation systems; ‘green’ jobs’; and social inclusion and active citizenship.

The learning from the case studies will be shared with the other 17 regions which are participating in PURE internationally, especially those with which Melbourne has common interests in the key themes. It will be used also to identify opportunities for policy development, for new initiatives, and for enhancing the HEI contributions to the existing initiatives.

The particular initiative which is the subject of this case study, the partnership between the Western Bulldogs Football Club and Victoria University, contributes to understanding of the social inclusion theme. A separate paper outlines the concepts and issues which arise in relation to this theme (see Melbourne PURE Case Studies - Social Inclusion Theme).

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