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PIE at Kelvingrove, Glasgow, Scotland

Researchers and Regional Authority practitioners from Canada, Sweden, Malta, the UK and France met in the Kelvingrove Museum and Art Galleries in Glasgow, Scotland on Monday, 7th December, 2009 to discuss the challenges and opportunities for contemporary educational practices in museums, art galleries and libraries and their implications for building more inclusive, socially just and culturally enriched communities and societies. Headed by Dr. Darlene Clover of UBC and funded by the SSHRC and held in conjunction with Glasgow City Council, Department of Culture and Sport, this was the first meeting to be organised through the PASCAL International Exchange programme. 'PIE' is a project of PASCAL International aimed at bringing together researchers and practitioners from across the world to share information on effective initiatives and to discuss the evidence base being developed internationally.

Local, regional and national authorities and educational institutions interested in hosting or being part of a PIE initiative should contact the PASCAL International office.'
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