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Briefing Paper 10

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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions PASCAL UNIVERSITIES REGIONAL ENGAGEMENT PROJECT (PURE) PURE Briefing Paper No. 10 PURE in Vancouver – The PURE Workshop, 21st May, 2009
This briefing note is addressed to everyone in the PURE network. Please read it, whether you are coming to Vancouver or not, and let us have your ideas and comments, so that these can be taken up at the Planning Workshop. You will find below the (draft) Workshop Programme. As you see, it will be a significant day, with important decisions to take for the success of the project. We must share and evaluate the experience of the 14 regional visits by Consultative Development Groups (CDGs). These will be completed by the end of April (the Glasgow CDG is deferred till later in the year). All Regional Visit Reports (RVR1s) should be completed before the Workshop takes place. They will go up on the PURE Website and I will attempt to summarise some of the main themes. The Workshop together with the preceding Pascal Conference will allow those in Vancouver to hear direct from each region about the visit and what it suggests for the region’s action plan, sub-clusters of regions, and the next 18 months of PURE work. Based on this we must agree a Work Plan for the Project through to the end of 2010. The following elements will be included. It will be very helpful if you can comment on any about which you have knowledge and interest to [email protected]  Conduct and outcome of CDG visits and the timing of 2nd visits.  Benchmarking of HEI Engagement and of Regions’ involvement from HEIs.  Specialist Sub-clusters of PURE Regions around different themes.  Region Action Plans for 2009-2010.  A 2nd Cohort of PURE Regions - how best to link to the 1st cohort and to learn from experience so far.  Further meetings of the PURE network o o o These are proposed for March 2010 in Paris - PURE Workshop only. June 2010 in Jamtland, Sweden - in association with Pascal International Conference. Gaberone, Botswana late in 2010 - final Conference for PURE 1st cohort including final summative Report and other outcomes.
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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions PURE Review and Planning Workshop May 2009 - UBC Vancouver Monday 18 – Wednesday 20 May Pascal International Conference includes papers by PURE Network Participants and a PURE Panel in Plenary Session on the morning of Wednesday 20 May. Wednesday 20 May 17.00 – 18.00 Host Bar Service
18.00 – 21.00 PURE Workshop dinner in the evening (cost $CA60.00 – book in advance using registration form and pay in Vancouver). PWIAS Conference Rooms, UBC. Thursday 21 May PURE Workshop 08.30 – 18.00 pm (Open to all, but please register by 30 April using form supplied). Location: Geography Building, UBC with all coffee/catering breaks at St John’s College. 08.30 – 09.00 Introduction Chris Duke Draft agenda and working arrangements to achieve necessary outcomes for the day. Summary of main themes and issues from CDG reports on first round visits - to include how HEIs and universities are responding to the global crisis. 09.00 –11.00 Review Session To compare and discuss the work so far, in particular the CDG visits, findings and intended plans. Session chairs and facilitators: Stephanie Young and Dermot Coughlan (i) Recap: the four regions reporting in Conference plenary panel session Botswana, Southern Africa, Frank Youngman. Melbourne, Australia, Jane Nial and Bruce Wilson. Thames Gateway, England, Alison Bowerbank. Varmland, Sweden, Anders Olsson and other relevant Conference sessions on key PURE themes. Reports from other regions in two groups (provisionally) (ii) Buskerud, Norway, Amarjit Singh and Ingunn Elvekrok. Darling Downs, Australia, Chris Duke. Jamtland, Sweden, Anna Hansen. Lesotho, Southern Africa, Catherine Hoppers. Southern Trans-Danube, Hungary, Balazs Nemeth. (iii) Flanders, Belgium, Jan Geens. Essex, England, Fiona Bodle. Kent, England, Peter Welsh. Northern Illinois, USA, Diana Robinson and Paul Crawford. Puglia, Italy, Ettore Ruggiero. (iv) Summary of progress to date: Mike Osborne.
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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions 11.00 11.30 – 12.15 Break for Refreshments Benchmarking Presenter: David Charles. Purposes and problems, reflections on work so far. Followed by general discussion. 12.15 – 13.30 Special Interests and Regional Clusters Facilitator: Bruce Wilson. How the clusters might work - John Tibbitt leading to Informal facilitated discussion in provisional clusters over lunch to 13.30. 13.30 – 14.00 Panel Discussion – The Nature and the Meaning of ‘Region’ Chair: Larry Swanson, other members TBA. 14.00 – 15.00 Region Action Plans and Other Matters Facilitator: Chris Shepherd. Brief review of cluster discussions. Review and discussion of action plans being prepared by each Region. How to continue to monitor and exchange information on progress? Glossary, collation of good practice examples, etc. 15.00 Break for refreshments Demonstration of web-based audio-conferencing during break. 15.30 – 17.00 Future phases of PURE project work (based on BP1) Facilitator: Mike Osborne (i) A 2nd cohort of participating regions. Timing and connecting to the 2nd cohort.
(ii) The purposes, timing and intended outcomes of the 2nd round of CDG visits. It is proposed that these take place between September 2009 and March 2010 according to the circumstances of each region. (iii) The next PURE full review meeting. Proposed for Paris in March 2010 at OECD. (iv) Pascal International Conference in Jamtland, June 2010 (host Anna Hansen). (v) Drawing together, synthesising and writing up a synoptic report: final 1st Cohort meeting and Conference in Gaborone, Botswana, at the end of 2010 (host Frank Youngman). (vi) Any other business.
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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions 17.00 – 17.30 Concluding remarks Chaired with summing up remarks by Jarl Bengtsson. Followed by informal networking and further clusters 17.30 – 18.00. 18.00 – 19.00 Informal Wine and Cheese reception. discussion within formative
Papers will be sent electronically to all who register, at least one week in advance of the workshop. Logistics dictate that delegates bring these papers with them in either hard-copy or electronic form.
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