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RP - Puglia

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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions PURE Regional Profile PUGLIA, ITALY Appendix 1 Region: Puglia, Italy Principal PURE contact: Maria Sasso Title: Dr. Institutional base with full postal mailing address: Assessorato alla Trasparenza e Cittadinanza attiva Via Celso Ulpiani 70125 Bari Italy. Contact Details: Email: Tel: [email protected] 00 39 0805406646
Name of main collaborating region: Puglia Suggested members of your Regional Co-ordinating Group (RCG) (between 3 and 5 Persons): Name, organisation and email: 1. Ettore Ruggiero [email protected] 2. Tiziana Corti [email protected] 3. Nello De Padova [email protected] 4. Sonia Rizzello [email protected] 5. Simona Loconsole [email protected]
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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions Suggested Peer Reviewer from region: ‘Identity’ of Region (eg. governmental admin. region; special development zone; informal ‘working reality’ region, etc) Puglia is one of the 20 Italian regions. In terms of local administration, Puglia is divided into 5 provinces: Bari, Brindisi, Foggia, Lecce, Taranto that gather a number of other towns and cities with over 50,000 inhabitants. The robust social and entrepreneurial fabric of the region involves all these major and minor centres. Puglia has:  A strategic geographic location at the heart of the Mediterranean area, a crossroads between Europe and the Eastern hemisphere  significant natural, cultural and historic heritage  A highly diversified and cutting-edge graduate, post-graduate and educational system  A diversified economy based on consolidated and innovative business sectors  A strong entrepreneurial spirit and a wealth of companies keen to engage internationally  A public administration able to create opportunities and to respond to international challenges.
REGIONAL PORTRAIT (Please list key issues of interest and relevance to PURE) (i) Approx. population and any key features: (e.g. new migrant numbers)  4.076.546 inhabitants (1/01/2008): 210 inhabitants / sq km  51% of the population are women.  The active adult workforce of some 1.270.000 is made up of 68% men and 32% women. (ii) Other essential geographical features: With an overall surface area of 19.363 square-km (made up of 50% FLAT PALINS, 45% HILLSIDE), Puglia is one of the largest Italian regions and one of the most densely populated. It also has the longest coastline, bordered to the east by the Adriatic Sea. Puglia has always been respected, in relation to the rest of southern Italy, for its communication and infrastructure network. The regional land transport system guarantees efficient connections within the region and towards major national and international destinations: an extensive rail network, more than 1230 km, and 2 motorways connect Puglia to the rest of Italy and Europe. Puglia has 3 fully equipped ports:  Taranto, the third national busiest port;  Bari, a stop-off for tourists and cruise ships;  Brindisi, an excellent wharfing and storage facility for petrol chemical and energy industries. Other small fishing ports and tourist havens are widespread along the coastline.
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Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions Puglia has also two international airports:   Aeroporto di Bari Palese Aeroporto di Brindisi Casale
and two smaller airports in Foggia and Grottaglie.
(iii) Economy, industries and employment features: Regional economy is based on SMEs. Employment is concentrated in:     Services = 72.8% Agriculture = 3.9% Manufacturing Industry = 14.2% Building sector = 9.1%
Puglia has some clusters of SMEs in highly specialised manufacturing sectors, widespread all over the region: (a) Bari Zone Upholstered furniture, Mechanical industries Clothing and Agro- industry (b) Barletta, Andria, Trani Zone Footwear, Marble processing (c) Brindisi Zone Mechanical and chemical industries; Agro-industrial (d) Foggia Zone Agro-industrial, Mechanical industries and Marble processing (e) Lecce Zone Textiles - Clothing Footwear, Agri-food (f) Taranto Zone Traditional Craft industries, Textiles - Clothing, Logistics, Agro-industrial. All the provinces in Puglia pay considerable attention to the development of the tourism industry making the most of local resources.
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Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions KEY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES CONFRONTING THE REGION (i) Economic issues: 1. How to develop innovation, research, Information Society. 2. Internazionalization and cooperation. Key websites for more information: 1. 2. 3. (ii) Social issues including health: 1. 2. 3. 4. Young Brain drainage. Social security and family poverty. Teenagers school abandon. Gender gap in employment.
Key websites for more information: 1. (iii) Environmental issues: 1. Strong pollution in some densely industrialized areas. 2. Soil erosion and pollution due to extensive agriculture production. Key websites for more information: 1. (iv) Cultural issues: 1. Promoting the diffusion of local art, cinema and theatre production. 2. Promoting tourism. Key websites for more information: 1. (v) Other issues or dimensions: (e.g. political & administrative, civic and participation) 1. Promoting ethics in politics and administrative processes. 2. Promoting participation in building public policies. 3. Supporting a new idea of managing the territory with active citizens involvement.
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Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions Key websites for more information: 1. 2.
UNIVERSITY AND OTHER HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIs) PORTRAIT (Please describe in a few words the HE system operating in the region, in terms of any important matters, the following): (i) Structure, legal and financial status of HE system There are currently 77 universities in Italy. In Puglia there are 4 public universities and a private one besides a network of public and private structures that offer higher education. One of the public universities is a Polytechnic, the only one in Southern Italy and one of the three in Italy. All Universities are recognized by the Government and are state-financed but they have an autonomy in defining curricular paths. Their programmes are accredited according to the national Act 509, November 3, 1999. According to the principle of university autonomy, each university may draw up its own statute and regulations by rectoral decree. Each statute states the regulations governing management, teaching and research within the institution. Students of public universities pay a minimal enrolment fee of approx. € 1500, with possibilities of reductions based on merit and financial means. There are 28 faculties with hundred of Departments that offer a wide range of bachelor and master degrees. University compete with the other education institutions, public and private, present in Apulia also in the offer of continuing training and education intended for young graduates and public administration employees. All the institutions are entitled to award qualifications with legal validity (“valore legale”) all over Italy. Non-state institutions are often called "libera/libero" and are legally recognised by the competent national authority. Their degrees, established in compliance with the general criteria laid down by national legislation, have the same validity as the corresponding degrees awarded by state institutions. Higher education is ruled by regional acts and mainly financed by European structural funds. Since the late seventies, alongside the state university system, other educational opportunities have been set up at local level. Professional courses in a great variety of fields and at various levels have been developed in close cooperation with businesses and industry and are managed by the Regions. The main purpose of these courses is to provide training in skills which meet the requirements and changes of the job market, thus increasing employability for the participants. These more practically oriented courses used to offer the only alternative route to university education until the IFTS programmes were introduced. Courses are open to holders of a school leaving qualification (Esame di Stato/Maturità) or to university graduates (Laurea). Length may vary from 1 to 2 years according to programme type and main subject field. Another category of post-secondary professional courses are those set up jointly by the Regions and the Labour Ministry with financial support from the European Social Fund (Fondo
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Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions Sociale Europeo - FSE). These courses are also open to holders of either a school leaving diploma or of a university degree (Laurea). (ii) Main priorities for the HEIs in the region     To implement the Bologna process and to a certain extent also the Lisbon strategy. To be more adherent to the enterprises’ needs of innovation. To promote social inclusion. To develop the female role in employment, politics and social activity.
(iii) Relevant recent changes and developments in policy and/or practice
(iv) Ways of organising and managing within the HEIs
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Observatory PASCAL
Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions PURE Regional Profile PUGLIA, ITALY Appendix 2 Regional Aspirations and Agenda 1. What aspects of regional development and the role of higher education in particular do you wish to engage with, focus on and improve, through your involvement in PURE? (a) From the point of view of the region and its priorities, objectives and ways of working? Region Puglia, with its participation in the Pure project, wants to confront on the activities carried on during these years, on the following subjects: Active Citizenship and Citizen Participation to build shared public policies. In detail, important fields of operation are:  Transparency in the procedures of the regional administration in relation to investments.  Youth policy to improve young intellectual and creative resources.  Land planning and, in general, sustainable use of territory and environment resources. (b) From the point of view of the higher education institutions and their priorities, objectives and ways of working? The experiences promoted by Puglia Region on long-life learning related to the PURE project are of great significance. The former, chronologically speaking, is:  The Regional Act on Transparency, an initiative to strengthen ethics in the public activities. As to Youth Policies, the present administration started immediately a listening process of their needs that brought into the birth of customized and appreciated initiatives among which:  BOLLENTI SPIRITI (Hot spirits)I: initiative that enables young people to express their project-making and creativity ability, allowing them to present entrepreneurial and more general ideas. The selected projects can be carried out thanks to specific public financing.  RITORNO AL FUTURO (Back to the future) initiative to curb young brain drain. This action enables young cultivated people to fulfil a highly-qualifying educational path (also abroad) with the obligation to come back to Puglia where to use the competences acquired during the training period. A similar participation process is being carried out on territory planning:  Regional territorial Plan, an initiative to preserve our natural heritage, with regards to the rediscovery and witness of natural and cultural values present in the region. All the mentioned initiatives are characterized by stakeholders’ involvement in different steps, from the project phase to the performance phase. The regional administration founds its activity on shared knowledge deriving from other local administrations and communities, being convinced that institutional and social
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Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions cooperation is one of the essential prerequisites for the efficacy and sustainability of decisions. 2. In terms of the wider global, political, administrative, economic and environmental setting it was agreed at the PURE Glasgow working meeting (September 2008) that the following aspects (included in Briefing Paper No. 3) were of wide general significance for the PURE project as a whole: The regional Higher educational system is not particularly involved in the “third mission”; taking part at PURE we would like Universities and other educational and training institutions to pay attention to that subject and to its evolution process. In this context, UNIVERSUS (a consortium made up all the 5 universities of Puglia) can be a pioneer collecting good practices within universities. In particular, it seems to be of great interest the use of infrastructures (schools, university seats, etc.) for different finalities from teaching. They could be containers (museums, public halls, etc.) used as places for territory long-learning activity with a positive impact on the cost of their nonuse. Many important advantages can derive from this “opening to territory” in terms of social cohesion and bottom intellectual production that can surely support the above mentioned regional priorities. (a) What role are strong national and/or regional policies in favour of third mission playing to overcome barriers for PURE work in regions? Puglia Region is operating to strengthen the THIRD MISSION role of HEI system. (b) Will strong national and regional policies in favour of sustainable development have an impact on PURE activity on environmental issues? The Regional territory Plan built up and implemented in the described way can be of some interest for the PURE project. (c) Will strong policies on implementing LLL at national and/or regional levels have an impact on PURE activities? (LLL = life long learning?)? Youth policies, carried out in the described way, can be a significant example as a best practice within the PURE project for other local public administrations. (d) Will strong national and/or regional innovation and research policies have as impact on PURE activities? Puglia Region has recently set up ARTI (Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation and has acquired INNOVAPUGLIA (a technical assistance agency to promote the development of Information Society into Public sector). With such tools it intends to develop innovation and research in different fields.
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Place Management, Social Capital and Learning Regions (e) Will strong and/or regional policy on administrative and governance issues have an impact on PURE activities? Puglia Region has taken part, for more than 4 years, at the census and diffusion of good practices in management and governance that wants to share within Pure. Of great significance the above mentioned Transparency Act, written with citizens. (f) How is the third mission seen and developed, and how central is it to the future especially of nonelite universities? As already declared, the Third Mission is not central in the debate within the university system. (g) Is the globalisation of the economy changing regions' ecological, social and cultural policies? If so, how will it impact on PURE activities in the region and the university?
3. At this stage, do you have a clear sense which subject(s) of special interest you would like to concentrate on in a PURE regions sub-group; for example – ecotourism, SME development, megaevents like the Olympics, cultural development and creative arts, etc? We would be interested in the following sub-group specialism(s): Thanks to PURE we would like to:  Confront with other public administrations on organizational and working technical/legal models, with a focus on the distinctive role played by politicians and bureaucrats and the mechanisms of interaction between the two levels.  Support human capital with reference to the full development of youth potential  Acquire a better referenced framework for the Third mission, so as to propose it in our region.
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