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Kent County Council

Link Person: 
Peter Welsh
Michael Joris

With a population exceeding 1.5 million including the distinct Medway Towns authority within the County boundaries, Kent like Essex is heavily influenced by its location in the South-East of England and adjacent to the London metropolis (which has from time to time expanded into and taken territory and population from historic Kent). Socio-economic conditions vary, with the ‘London factor’ pushing up incomes especially in the north-west, and pockets of quite serious poverty in some old industrial and more formerly more popular coastal communities.

What does KCC do with Pascal?

Kent County Council is a founding Member of the Observatory PASCAL and holds the vision and concept at the heart of its organisational culture.

Pascal Associates have advised KCC on its regeneration strategies

Pascal has conducted research for KCC on the effectiveness of school-based vocational education models

KCC has hosted exchanges visits with Jamtland region

Pascal is conducting a PURE study in Kent

KCC has provided members of the Consultative Review Group for the PURE study in Flanders (Dr Peter Welsh)

KCC hosted the February 2010 meeting of PURE at its Brussels office

KCC has facilitated Pascal researchers who have been conducting research in its sister state of Virginia, US.

Dr Peter Welsh represents Pascal regions within the Executive Steering Committee of PASCAL and sits on the Pascal Advisory Board.

Dr Peter Welsh has co-edited a book within the Pascal series of publications with NIACE.


Committing to a project of this nature with these purposes requires leadership and hard work. PASCAL has made and is making a real impact upon Kent and the County Council’s position as England’s number one.

Participation in PASCAL has provided KCC with a growing network of experts with whom it works to test ideas, scope projects and implement initiatives. The range of work spans the whole spectrum from soft cultural changes, such as embedding evidence-based decision-making at the heart of policy, right through to physical projects in groundbreaking education facilities. Further, Kent has replicated PASCAL at the County level, setting up the Kent PASCAL Board which includes members from across the public sector in Kent, and strives towards working together to provide better and more efficient services for the people of the county.

Peter Welsh
Head of Analysis and Information
Kent County Council and
Chair of the Kent PASCAL Board


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