Eugenia Arvanitis
Dr Eugenia Arvanitis is Assistant Professor of Interculturality & Diversity in Education at the University of Patras, Greece ( She teaches at the Post Graduate Program “Adult Education” of the Hellenic Open University. Dr. Arvanitis has worked for a number of divisions in the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (2006-2012), namely, the Department of Educational Planning and Intercultural Education, the Office of the Alternate and Deputy Minister for Education. She has also worked as the co-ordinator of the National Quality Assurance & Evaluation Office in the General Secretariat of Adult Education in Greece, where she developed the National Quality Assurance and Assessment Framework for the Greek Adult Educational System. She has been involved in policy development for intercultural, adult and immigrant education (e.g. drafting working papers and expressions of interest for major national programs funded by the European Commission through the National Strategic Framework of Reference).
Dr. Arvanitis lived for a decade in Australia gaining valuable experience in multicultural educational and ethnic language maintenance policies. Her Ph.D. research involved an in depth analysis of teaching practices and educational policies in Australia in the late 1990s with particular emphasis on Greek language classes and after-hours schools in Victoria. During 2001-2004, she was co-ordinator of the Greek Language and Cultural Studies Program (BA International Studies) at the School of International and Community Studies, RMIT University and the Manager of the Australian-Greek Resource and Learning Center at RMIT University, Melbourne (
She is an Associate & Research Partner in several scientific organisations such as PASCAL International Observatory, RMIT Globalism Institute and the University of Illinois (Common Ground & Learning by Design project teams). Most recently, she has helped to establish the web based platform, ‘Nea Mathisi’ (, supporting professional and intercultural learning in school-based teachers’ training. Finally, she is the author of several research papers and the editor/author of four books: Bonegilla: Memories and Recollections of an Insider by Zac Vogiazopoulos (2006); Greek Ethnic Schools in Australia in the late 1990s: Selected Case Studies - (by Eugenia Arvanitis 2010); New Learning: Elements of a Science of Education by Kalantzis & Cope (2013) and Intercultural Mediation in Europe: Narratives of Professional Transformation (co-editor with Achilles Kameas).
Inter-cultural education, Lifelong learning, professional learning, intercultural learning cities, diaspora,
- Coordinator, Migrant Children's Program in Attica, Greece (Action 7 Connecting Family and School), Greek Ministry of Education and University of Aegean (2011-2013).
- Member of the Scientific Committee, Greek Language for Adult Migrants (Level A1 & A2), IDEKE (2010-2011).
• Chief Researcher, Pilot implementation of Lenarning by Design Approach, Pedagogical institute, Greece (2011). - Advisor, National Framework for Migrant & ROMA Integration, Greek Ministry of Interior Affairs (2011)
- Manual for the Self-Evaluation of Adult Education providers, Report commissioned by the General Secretariat of Adult Education, Greece (September, 2007).
- National Quality Assurance and Assessment Framework, Report commissioned by the General Secretariat of Adult Education, Greece (July, 2007).
- Adult Education Centres: Assessment, Validation & Training in Life Long Learning, Report commissioned by the Institute for Continuing Education, Greece (June, 2006).
- Specified competence indicators for Key Learning Areas, Report commissioned by the Institute for Continuing Education, Greece (January, 2006).
- General Indicators for Assessing and Validating Knowledge in the Greek Adult Education System, Report commissioned by the Institute for Continuing Education, Greece (November, 2005).
- National Qualification frameworks and Life long learning, Report commissioned by the Institute for Continuing Education, Greece (September, 2005).
- 1992 - B.Ed (University of Ioannina, Greece),
- 1992 - Grad. Thesis (University of Ioannina, Greece),
- 2001 - PhD (RMIT University),
- 2002 - NAATI Accredited Translator (NAATI - Australia),
- 2004 - Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment, (RMIT University, Australia).
- Member of the TT-NET Greece CEDEFOP (, 2007, Thessaloniki.
- Member of the Greek Pedagogical Society, 2007 (, Athens.
- Member of the European Credit Transfer In VETCommittee CEDEFOP (, 2007, Thessaloniki.
- Member of the Adult Education Research Association (, 2006-2007, Athens.
- Member of the Centre of Intercultural Education (, University of Patras, Greece.
- Arvanitis, E. 2014, 'Rethinking intercultural learning spaces: The example of Greek Language Schooling in Australia'. Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 60-68.
- Arvanitis, E. 2014, 'The Intercultural Mediation: A Transformative Journey of Learning and Reflexivity',. In E. Arvanitis, & A. Kameas (Eds), Intercultural Mediation in Europe: Narratives of Professional Transformation, USA, Common Ground, pp.1-16.
- Arvanitis, Ε., & Kameas, A. (Eds) 2014, Intercultural Mediation in Europe: Narratives of Professional Transformation, 1st, Common Ground, USA.
- Arvanitis, Ε., & Kameas, A. 2014, ' Introduction',. In E. Arvanitis & A. Kameas (Eds), Intercultural Mediation in Europe: Narratives of Professional Transformation , Common Ground, USA, pp.(pp. x-xviii).
- Arvanitis, E., & Sakellariou, M. 2014, ' Exploring ‘Temporalities’ and ‘Spatialities’ from an Intercultural Perspective: A Case Study of ‘Learning by Design’ in Greece'.International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 131-145.
- Arvanitis, E. & Vitsilaki, Ch. 2014, 'A Greek narrative of collective professional learning',. In M. Kalantzis & B. Cope (Eds), Learning by Design: Forms of Pedagogy in the New Media Age, Sense Publishers, Netherlands, pp.(in press).
- Vitsilakis, C., Fokiali, P., Arvanitis, E. 2010, 'University and Regional Development: The Case of the School of Humanities, University of the Aegean in Rhodes'. the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 175-186.
- Skordoulis, C. & Arvanitis, E. 2008, 'Space Conceptualisation in the Context of Postmodernity: Theorizing Spatial Representation'. the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 105-113.
- Arvanitis, Ε. 2008, 'Memories of Bonegilla: A Narrative of Migration and Modernity'. International Journal of the Book, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 157-164.
- Tsamadias, C. & Arvanitis, E. 2008, 'Towards a Greek National Quality Assurance Framework'. the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 125-131.
- Arvanitis, Ε., Kalantzis, Μ., & Cope, Β. 2014, 'Heritage Language Policies in the Context of Australian Cultural Diversity',. In Tryfonas, P. & Aravositas, Th. (Eds) , Στο Rethinking Heritage Language Education, Cambridge , London, pp.115-140.
- Sakellariou, Μ. & Arvanitis, Ε. 2007, «Intercultural and Religious Education in Preschool and Elementary Education: A research Approach», in Religious Education in Elementary Schooling: Challenges and Prospects, Grigoris Publications (in press).
- Arvanitis, E. 2006, ‘Community Building Education and Greek Diasporic Networks’, στο International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp.153-162.
- Arvanitis, E. (Ed) 2006, Zacharias Vogiazopoulos. Bonegilla: Memories and Recollections of an Insider, Australian Greek Resource and Learning Centre, RMIT University, Melbourne, pp.240. (Book - ISBN: 0-646-46446-9).
- Arvanitis, E., 2006, ‘Centres of Adult Education: Assessment, Validation & Training in Life Long Learning’, International Conference on Life Long Learning for Development, Employment and Social Cohesion, 31 March-2 April 2006, University of Thessaly, Volos (e-paper:
- Arvanitis, E., 2005 ‘EthnicSchoolsandthedevelopmentofaNationalEducationalPolicyinthe 21stcentury’ in GreekResearch in Australia, Ε. Close, M. Tsianikas & G. Frantzis (Eds), Flinders University, pp. 401-424.
- Arvanitis, E., with the Paideia Omogenon Project Team, 2004, From the Life of Greeks in Australia, EDIAMME, University of Crete, pp.142.
- Arvanitis, E., 2004, ‘Community Aspirations for Greek Language Schooling in Australia: Future Challenges and Directions’, Greek-Australian Conference on-line paper (, RMIT University.
- Arvanitis, E., 2004,‘The Australian Educational Policy and Greek Diaspora Language providers’, in The History of the Hellenic Diaspora: Research and Teaching, EDIAMME, University of Crete, pp. 188-198.
- Arvanitis, E., 2004, Greek Ethnic Schools in Australia in the late 1990s: Selected Case studies, e-monograph, RMIT University. ( )
- Arvanitis, E., 2004,‘Greek Ethnic Schools in a Globalising Context’, Journal of Modern Greek Studies Australia and New Zealand, Vol. 11-12, pp.241-257.
- Arvanitis, E., 2001, ‘Professional Development of Seconded Greek Teachers to Australia: A Theoretical Framework’, in Hellenic Studies in the Antipodes at the dawn of the 21st Century, World Council of Hellenes Abroad - SAE Oceania, (eds), Sydney, Australia, pp. 127-133.
- Arvanitis, E., 1999, ‘Greek Community Schools in Victoria’, in Greek Education Abroad, Damanakis, M. and Michelakis, Th. (eds), Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs & Laboratory of Intercultural and Migration Studies (EDIAMME), Greece, pp. 116-132. (In Greek).
- Arvanitis, E., 1999, ‘Exploring Identity in the Greek-Australian Context’, in Forrest, D., Schafer, A., and Mathews, J. (eds), Celebrating the Diversity of Researching Learning, Service, Culture and Communication, Faculty of Education, Language and Community Services, RMIT University, pp. 8-15.
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