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Andreas Fejes's blog

Skill regime in the context of globalization and migration

Featured below and attached is the introduction to a special issue on ”Skill regime in the context of globalization and migration” which will soon be published in the journal Studies in Continuing Education. The issue is edited with Hongxia Shan at UBC Canada as lead-editor, and me as co-editor. 

Given the focus on migration at the PASCAL Catania conference, I hope that this will be of interest to delegates.


European Society for Research in the Education of Adults - two events and two calls for papers

On 19-20 April, the 2012 conference of the ESREA research network on Ethnicity, racism and xenophobia will be held at Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria. More information is available at

 On 19-21 September, 2012, the 2012 conference of the ESREA research network on the education and learning of older adults wil be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. More information is available at


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