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PASCAL Library

The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

Report on EcCoWell2 projects

Following a meeting during the recent 15th PASCAL Conference in Suwon, Denise has prepared a report on EcCoWell 2 projects. The EcCoWell 2 projects  were inaugurated in 2017 following a review of the EcCoWell experience for the PASCAL Board which added happiness and entrepreneurship to the objectives of EcCoWell.

15th PASCAL Conference in collaboration with World Forum for Lifelong Learning In Korea

We are delighted to report a very successful 15th PASCAL Conference, Learning Cities, Learning Societies and the Sustainable Development Goals: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice, in collaboration with the World Forum for Lifelong Learning In Gyeonggi Province, Korea.

The Conference was attended by over 500 delegates including a large international delegation from many countries in Asia, North America, Europe and Australia. The Conference contained many elements, and these will be reported individually in a number of subsequent postings.

Learning Cities: a need for learning to develop mutually beneficial tourist-resident relations

This article concerned with Learning Cities is from PIMA Bulletin 18, the whole of which can be found at this link.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 10 - Developing holistic and integrated learning cities: Health and EcCoWell - now available in Korean

We are very pleased that Briefing Paper 10 by Peter Kearns is now available in Korean. The paper revisits PASCAL's EcCOWell model developing it into EcCoWell 2. This topic will for sure be one of the features of the next PASCAL conference in Suwon, Korea in from 30 August to 1 September 2018. Thanks to YunAh Park, a student on our Erasmus Mundus Masters in Adult Education for Social Change for translating this paper.

University-Regional Partnerships: Case Studies. Mobilising Universities for Smart Specialisation

The attached booklet provides a variety of case studies of university-regional partnerships across Europe. All of them have been provided by members of the S3 Platform established by DG Regional Policy and managed by the Joint Research Centre in Seville. 

Final Report of PASCAL PURE CDG, July 2013 visit

The most recent region to participate in the PURE project has been the Darling Downs and South West Queensland region in Australia. It is a large and very diverse region which has very significant agricultural and mineral resources within its boundaries.


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