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The displays available here represent all site content categorised under PASCAL Expertise, PASCAL Projects and PASCAL Themes:

Global best practices for quality higher education

The rapid expansion of universities in the Arab region has brought challenges for higher education quality. Part of the challenge is down to the significant increase in the number of private institutions in the region. Concerns about quality focus a great deal on how to regulate private institutions and creating robust systems for ensuring quality and compliance with national frameworks.

GUNi Newsletter March 2018, SDGs and Humanities in Higher Education

Here is the the latest news from GUNi (Global University Network for Innovation):

Overstretched Cities

PASCAL subscribers may be interested in a recent series on 'Overstretched Cities' published by the Guardian newspaper in the UK. The series looks at cities across every continent. One of the blogs includes a short profile on Kigali one of the case study cities within the GCRF Centre for Sustainable Healthy Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods of which I'm Senior Business Manager.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 13 - Learning Later: responding to the evolving educational needs of older people - Mark,Talmage and Knopf

Please find attached in English, Mandarin and Korean, PASCAL Briefing Paper 13 entitled, Learning Later: responding to the evolving educational needs of older people. It has been written by Rob Mark, PASCAL Learning Cities Project Coordinator and Honorary Senior Research Fellow,  Glasgow University, UK & Dublin City University, Ireland, Craig A. Talmage, Visiting Assistant Professor, Hobart & William Smith Colleges, USA, Richard C. Knopf, Professor, Arizona State University, USA.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 13 - Learning Later: responding to the evolving educational needs of older people - Mark,Talmage and Knopf

Please find attached in English, Mandarin and Korean, PASCAL Briefing Paper 13 entitled, Learning Later: responding to the evolving educational needs of older people. It has been written by Rob Mark, PASCAL Learning Cities Project Coordinator and Honorary Senior Research Fellow,  Glasgow University, UK & Dublin City University, Ireland, Craig A. Talmage, Visiting Assistant Professor, Hobart & William Smith Colleges, USA, Richard C. Knopf, Professor, Arizona State University, USA.

ICSU/NASAC/ISSC call for pre-proposals: Pathways towards Sustainable African Urban Development - Deadline 14 May

With this email, I would like to inform you that as part of the 5-year “Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa” (LIRA 2030 Africa) programme, the International Council for Science (ICSU), in partnership with the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC) will support up to 11 collaborative research projects across Africa (to the value of up to 90,000 Euro each over two years) that will that explore integrated approaches for sustainable urban development in Africa.


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