This newsletter from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.
This newsletter from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.
From 1-4 September, The City of Melton and the City of Wyndham co-led the inaugural Global Learning Festival with over 20 other partners including the PASCAL Observatory and the Australian Learning Communities Network (ALCN) who helped bring this event to life.
This newsletter from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.
UIL has recently published an issue note on 'Higher education institutions' engagement with the community during COVID-19', which may be of interest to subscribers – please find it featured below and attached.