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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

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Summary of EMA-PASCAL Meeting: In recognition of museums development

From 19-21 September colleagues from 20 countries across Europe gathered in Ljubljana to celebrate the European Museum Academy (EMA) annual awards ceremony and conference (2019), which included talks by celebrated winners of the prestigious awards for best practice. Twenty-six museums were nominated this year, and the winner of the Micheletti award for work of excellence in social and industrial history was the Astra Museum complex in Transylvania, Romania - first time ever a winner from that country. The winner of the DASA award for excellent work in learning and education in museums was the Workers Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 19 - SDGs and Education

The 17 SDGs adopted by the United Nations in 2015 constitute a significant step up in scale and ambition in that they apply to all nations, whether developed or developing. Actions to achieve the Goals are demanding and education is seen as central.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 18 - Learning and Place: Profiling Places

The relationship between learning and place extends the understanding of the learning city to a more local level, recognising that just as learning is fundamental to city and regional development, so it is to the character and opportunities that influence the quality of life in neighbourhoods and communities.

Spotlight on American-style Adult Education: The 68th Annual AAACE Conference - Adult education for human rights, economic empowerment, and environmental sustainability

The 68th AAACE annual Conference of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education’s (AAACE) was this year held in St Louis, 8-11 October, focussing on the themes of human rights, empowerment and environmental sustainability.

External Examiner position at Cardiff University

Continuing and Professional Education at Cardiff University are looking for an external examiner to replace Dr Nalita James, whose tenure has come to an end.


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