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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Learning City concept launched in Greece

The City Council of Larissa in Greece and the Hellenic Adult Education Association together launched the Learning City Concept at the Adult Education and Local Society Conference, which was was addressed by Peter Jarvis, Peter Mayo and Ted Fleming in June 2015.

UBDC Data Scientist (Administrative Data) job is being advertised - please circulate widely

We are advertising a new full-time post at UBDC in Glasgow, for a Data Scientist to support confidential / administrative data user requirements at the Centre. The closing date is 2nd August 2015.

The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Lifelong Learning

I am delighted to announce that The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Lifelong Learning has now been published online on the UNESDOC database and is featured below. It is edited by Jin Yang, Chripa Schneller and myself, and was inspired by the seminar held in 2012 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of UIL.  It contains contributions from a number of PASCAL members, including Jin of course..

Other members has contributed to the following chapters:

PhD Studentship - The Arts of Integration: Scottish policies of refugee integration - role of the creative & performing arts

AHRC PhD Studentship Opportunity - apply now!

Following the highly successful Refugee Festival Scotland 2015, we are delighted to announce this exciting collaborative PhD studentship with partnership with the Scottish Refugee Council.

Ekaterinburg - the Open City

The project that we co-ordinate entitled, "The long stories of Ekaterinburg" is part of what we describe as the Open City, and in my opinion is very close to the elements of the Learning City. The project, which takes the form of competition to produce murals has been in existing for 8 years. Volunteers make new drawings each summer.


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