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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Join the FAO online event Climate, Food Security and Nutrition

Over the next decades, climate change will add pressure to the challenge of securing food and nutrition of a growing population. To raise awareness on this important issue and to contribute to the understanding of the impacts on food systems, the FSN Forum joined forces with the Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) Programme to organize a learning event which will include:  

Science briefs for GSDR 2015

The open call for science briefs for the Global Sustainable Development  Report (GSDR) 2015 has resulted in the submission of 140 plus  contributions. Providing a bottom-up sample of ³crowd-sourced²  sustainable development issues, the briefs cover topics from  anti-biotic resistance, karst and caves, through to the health of the  oceans.

The briefs constitute pool of digestible knowledge, pointing  policy-makers to critical new findings and emerging concerns. 

The briefs have been made available on .

NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - 05-03-2015

In this issue we feature 10 current papers on the theme of social capital:

Remembering David Watson and carrying forward his legacy

Many of us were saddened by the death of Professor David Watson early in February.  And since then we have been reflecting on how profoundly he contributed to the civic engagement work of universities around the world and how much he influenced our individual efforts.

NEP: New Economics Papers - Social Norms and Social Capital - 28-02-2015

In this issue we feature 10 current papers on the theme of social capital:


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