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This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

GUNi extends the deadline for the presentation of good practices for the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

The new deadline is now 31 January 2013

In order to participate in the call, it is not mandatory to pay the registration fee beforehand. Therefore, we encourage you to present your proposals as early as possible so the Scientific Committee can evaluate them with enough time for you to complete the registration process.

We count on your contributions!

GUNi team

EU research result - Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion

A Roadmap for Action on Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion in Europe

A Report of the Study:

Exploring the Potential Impact of Digital Games for Empowerment of Groups at Risk of Social and Economic Exclusion: Opportunities, Challenges and Possible Actions: Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (DGEI)

The paper includes strong action recommendations for European policy and funding.

A new initiative focuses on practical training for youth

Cedefop has been invited to provide practical support to a new European initiative intended the help young people integrate more easily into the labour market. The initiative, which focuses on apprenticeship-type, work-based learning, was launched on 11 December 2012 in Berlin. Germany and six other Member States have signed Memoranda defining the scope and objectives of future collaboration.

Active ageing: closing ceremony of European Year 2012 looks to the future

The European Year 2012 has mobilised a wide range of stakeholders  across Europe to take action with the aim of creating better  opportunities for active ageing and strengthening solidarity between  generations. It has given rise to hundreds of new initiatives and  events at European, national, regional or local level dealing with  employment, social participation and independent living of older  people, many of which will be of long-term benefit.

New Book on Social Movement Learning

This book, co-authored by PASCAL Associate Budd Hall, has just been published and I recommend it to subscribers. The following is from the preface by Marjorie Mayo:

The publication of ‘Learning and education for a better world: the role of social movements’ is to be welcomed most warmly. This is such a timely collection of essays, bringing together critical reflections on experiences of social action from across the globe. Previous publications have demonstrated the importance of learning in social movements along with the importance of learning from experiences of participating in social movements (e.g. Eyerman and Jamison, 1991, Foley, 1999 and Kane, 2001). As these writings have demonstrated, these have been two-way processes of learning, acquiring knowledge and skills in order to take action more effectively, and learning through reflecting on the experiences of social action that follow, engaging in movements for social justice and social change.


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