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A Key Workshop for European Learning Cities and Regions

Oct 25 2007 00:00
Oct 26 2007 00:00

Barcelona, Spain

Event Information

Great changes and great challenges lie ahead for Local and Regional Government. Modern cities and regions recognise that continuing development depends upon effective management of a number of interlinked economic, financial, social, cultural, environmental and community issues.

The PENR3L website is at:

Conference Report

The workshop was attended by 44 participants with 18 different nationalities. All of the participants brought expertise from their own countries and their own experience of developing learning regions and cities. Active solution groups worked on the themes of the workshop and contributed a series of action points to be taken forward.  Please follow the link below to read the full report. The Power Point presentations from the Keynote speakers are also available on the PENR3L website. The second workshop will be taking place on 7/8 December in Kaunas, Lithuania where more delegates will be meeting to share their expertise and work together on developing learning cities and regions across Europe.

The report is attached below and can be downloaded.
PENR3L Workshop Program - 25 October - Barcelona.doc59.5 KB
Report - Barcelona Workshop - PENR3L.doc56 KB

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