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3rd Annual Smart Cities International Symposium, Chicago - Register Now

Jan 22 2019
Jan 24 2019
Conference Chicago
525 S State St
United States  United States

It is predicted that by 2050 about 64% of the developing world and 86% of the developed world will live in urban areas, that nearly all global population growth from 2017 to 2030 will be absorbed by cities -- about 1.1 billion new urbanites over the next 13 years.

New insights and solutions are urgently needed in order to manage the scarce resources that will be impacted by this trend, as well as operate new and regenerated urban spaces. New generations of sensor networks, Big Data analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications are being deployed in public and privately managed physical spaces to meet these requirements, though many challenges remain. Municipal governments around the world are currently formulating their Smart City strategies - now is the time to engage and learn from industry peers at the forefront of this key trend.

smart city
Organized by the Smart Grid Observer, the 3rd Annual Smart Cities International Symposium & Exhibition, January 22-24, 2019 in Chicago brings together thought leaders and practitioners from around the world to explore the most recent technology advances, business models, and lessons learned to date in making the Smart City a reality. Expert speakers will examine the experiences of municipal governments who are pushing the envelope and moving toward actual implementation of the Smart City vision. The emphasis is on implementation strategy, case studies, best practices, and the development of compelling business models for transitioning to the 21st Century Smart City.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • Leveraging the smart energy grid for other municipal applications
  • Smart lighting advances, platforms and business models
  • Smart transportation and parking
  • Environmental monitoring and waste management
  • IoT applications and communications networks for enabling the Smarter City
  • Learning from the leaders: key smart city developments around the world
  • Market trends and growth drivers: challenges and opportunities
  • Phased, cost-effective approaches: efficiency measures that can fund additional steps
  • Building a culture of performance via data analytics and benchmarking
  • Enhancing sustainability, accessibility and livability
  • Key emerging technologies and applications
  • And more

Why Participate?

smart city
Chicago's Smart City Leadership: As a center for smart city application and deployment, Chicago is uniquely situated to lead the national conversation about moving toward the city of the future.

Focus on Implementation: The conference places primary focus on actual implementations, key case studies and lessons learned to date, in order to formulate real-world success strategies going forward.

Technology Exhibition: Exhibition tables in the coffee break and luncheon area allow for quality networking with industry thought leaders and interaction with cutting-edge innovations

Senior-Level Executive Attendees: The Symposium is uniquely designed for senior decision-makers, CIOs, and executives charged with making the smart city a reality in today's environment

Emphasis on Qualty Networking: Ample time is reserved for focused, one-on-one meetings and high-value interaction among attendees

Who Should Attend?

  • Government policy makers and managers
  • Mayors and municipal leaders
  • Urban planning professionals
  • Telecommunication companies
  • Electric, water and gas utilities
  • Developers and construction companies
  • Electric vehicle and transportation organizations
  • Financial and investment professionals
  • Smart grid and communication technology providers
  • IT and Big Data analytics companies
  • Standards and regulatory organizations
  • Industry associations

Join us in Chicago for in-depth networking with senior-level Smart City decision-makers and executives!

Register today and reserve your seat! 



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