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Agenda 2030 – From the past towards the future we want: Reflections on institutional developments and personal experiences in adult education and lifelong learning

Feb 24 2016 12:15
Feb 24 2016 13:45
University of Glasgow Sir Charles Wilson Building Lecture Theatre
1 University Ave

Global policies on education and lifelong learning influence regional, national and local policies. Historically the de-colonization period was a new beginning, but often led with a bad ending.  A very important milestone in developing a global education agenda was the World Education Forum in 2000 in Dakar, and the then agreed Framework for Action on Education for All.

Later in the same year the UN Summit in New York came up with the Millennium Development Goals. Both – EFA and MDG – ended in 2015, with unfinished agendas. Many assessments on achievements and failures were circulated during the final period with a heated debate on what should be done post 2015. “Ensure equitable and inclusive quality education and promote lifelong learning for all” was generated as the new global goal by the World Education Forum in Korea, and included by the UN Summit on Sustainable Development Goals, both in 2015.

Heribert Hinzen will argue from insights he has gained during a period of four decades being involved in international cooperation of adult education for development as a policy maker, manager, and researcher of projects in Africa, Asia, and Europe while working with partners and for DVV International globally.

Agenda 2030 – From the past towards the future we want: Reflections on institutional developments and personal experiences in adult education and lifelong learning

Professor Heribert Hinzen, Senior Policy Advisor of DVV International

Lunchtime talk organised jointly by CR&DALL, School of Education and Glasgow Centre for International Development (GCID)

Wednesday 24th February, 12.45pm (lunch served from 12.15pm)

Sir Charles Wilson Building Lecture Theatre, 1 University Avenue

Lunch will be served before the talk from 12.15pm in the foyer.  Everyone is welcome.

If you would like to attend, please register on the Eventbrite site.

DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association.

Heribert Hinzen was born in Germany, studied in Bonn and obtained his doctorate degree in Heidelberg for a comparative study on adult education in Tanzania. He joined DVV International in 1977, and has continued working there in different roles ever since as Director of headquarters in Bonn, for a couple of years in each of the offices in Sierra Leone, Hungary, and in Laos as the Head of Regional Office for South and Southeast Asia, and now as Senior Policy Advisor.

Additionally, he has been teaching comparative studies of adult education and lifelong learning at a number of Universities, and has received honorary professorships at the Universities of Iasi, Bucharest, and Pecs, where he was also awarded an honorary doctorate.

He is an Associate of PASCAL Observatory, and serves on the Editorial Boards of Adult Education and Development, Bildung und Erziehung as well as the Asia Pacific Education Review. He was Vice-President of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE). He has been a member of the UN Literacy Decade Expert Group, the International Advisory Board of the EFA Global Monitoring Report as well as of the Reference Group on Higher Education for EFA. In 2000 and in 2015 he was part of the German delegation to the World Education Forum, and took part in several CONFINTEA events.


I hope you can make it along.

Kind regards.


David Wright
Networks Administrator
Research Strategy and Innovation Office
11 The Square
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ


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