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Australian European University Institute Fellowships

Applications are now invited for Australian European University Institute Fellowships which provide the opportunity to carry out research at the European University Institute in Florence – the high profile research institute established by the Member States of the founding European Communities in 1972. A six-month Post-doctoral Fellowship will be offered for the period January-June 2014. Two three-month Postgraduate Fellowships will be offered for the period September-December 2013. In addition, one fellowship will be offered for a Visiting Scholar from an Australian university for one month during the period January-June 2014.

The Fellowships are available to researchers currently undertaking research in history, law, economics, and social and political sciences who are able to identify a direct benefit for their research from a period of residence at the EUI.

Applications close 15 March 2013. The successful applicants will be notified by late June 2013.

Further information on the AEUIFAI is available at:


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