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Call for Abstracts - 2nd International Conference of the ESREA Research Network: Working Life and Learning

Mar 31 2014
Apr 2 2014
University of Osnabrück
Barbarastraße 7

Continuing the 2011 re-launch seminar of ESREA’s Network on Working Life and Learning, we invite you to our second international conference at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, to discuss workplace learning and development in times of globalization and uncertainty. Bridging working life and learning has gained momentum during the past decades. Education systems are seriously facing challenges resulting from globalization, demographic change and economic crises. The importance of flexible and individual modes of combining learning and working is increasing. Lifelong learning, professional development and skills development all imply intensive interactions between the world of work and various educational sectors and forms of learning. In addition, new global objects of activity, ethics and learning emerge at workplaces which call for collective co-configuration and reflection by the communities of practice. Adult and lifelong learning as well as vocational education and training thus represent an essential part of the political and research agendas of countries inside and out of Europe.

More details below and from the ESREA website...

Conference_Call-WLL_2014.pdf356.28 KB

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