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Collaborate: Museums and Higher Education

Apr 27 2015
Perth Museum and Art Gallery
78 George Street

Interested in exploring the potential for research partnerships between museums and higher education institutions? Museums Galleries Scotland, in collaboration with Perth and Kinross Council, is organising this event which will:

  • share examples of how both sectors can work together
  • provide information about the support available for this type of work
  • provide an opportunity to exchange ideas

Our aim is that the event will inspire attendees about the possible connections that they could make and facilitate initial contact.

 This event will take place in Perth Museum and Art Gallery on Monday 27 April 2015. It is free to attend, but places are limited so please book using the following link

Please do not hesitate to forward this information to any academic colleagues you feel would benefit from attending.

Yours faithfully,



Dr Fiona Hutchison

Museums Galleries Scotland, Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EG


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