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Comparative School Counseling Virtual Conference 22-25 March, 2021

Mar 22 2021
Mar 25 2021
Bulgaria  Bulgaria

The mission of this international virtual conference is to begin the process of establishing a new comparative research field that could be called Comparative School Counseling Studies

Workshop theme: The Changing World – School counselling embracing emergent online delivery imposed by current Pandemic and its impact on students’ Academic Engagement. The Changing World – School counselling embracing emergent online delivery imposed by current Pandemic and its impact on students’ Academic Engagement.

Comparative School Counseling | International Virtual Conference | 22 - 25 March 2021

Registration deadline: 15 March 2021

Conference website:

The conference work is grouped into 3 sections:

Section 1: School Counseling Policies (at local, state/provincial, and national level)

Section 2: School Counseling Education & Training (at Bachelor, Master’s, and Doctoral level)

Section 3: School Counseling Practices (at primary, secondary, and tertiary education level)



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