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Contemporary Issues in Europe: History, Politics, Culture and Economics

Jan 16 2012
Jan 18 2012
Australian National University

While the recent financial challenges in the Eurozone have dominated media coverage of Europe in Australia and New Zealand, there remain considerable misconceptions about the European Union and its operations. The European Studies Summer School for 2012 seeks to explore and explain the complexities of European integration, as well as the diversity of
cultures and political and economic systems in Europe.

This three-day intensive residential study will provide participants with a wide array of accurate and up-to-date resources and the opportunity to engage with academic experts, policy-makers and diplomats. The Summer School is taught from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. Each session will present an opportunity for discussion and reflection. There will also be opportunity for participants to pursue research at one of the major national cultural institutions in Canberra as part of the study experience.

Attendance is free for all teachers working in Australian and New Zealand secondary schools (high schools and colleges), however places are limited. A small number of bursaries are available for travel and accommodation assistance.
The European Studies Summer School is jointly-hosted by the ANU Centre for European Studies and the Monash European and EU Centre, with assistance from the European Commission.

For more information on the content of the European Studies Summer School, and details on how to apply visit:
T: +61 2 6125 9896
E: [email protected]


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