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European Research Council (ERC) Funding Opportunities

Oct 7 2013 11:30
RMIT City campus, Council Chamber
RMIT Building 1, level 2R, 124 La Trobe Street

Seven years into its existence, the European Research Council is highly regarded by the international research community as it shapes Europe’s research scene. During these intensive initial years, it has established itself as a world-class research funding agency.

We are pleased to advise that the EU Centre at RMIT is conducting a presentation on opportunities for research collaboration and funding for mobility to Europe on Monday 7 October from 11:30am till 1:00pm.

We are very pleased to welcome Professor Donald B. Dingwell, Secretary General of the European Research Council, who is coming to Melbourne to promote and present the ERC funding schemes to University research administrators, research council staff, and especially to researchers (incl. post-doctoral fellows and doctoral students) 

The ERC grants encourage, top researchers to pursue their work partially in the European Union (EU) or in an Associated Country (AC). These grants are available to researchers from anywhere in the world.

Event details

Monday 7 October, 2013

11:30am - 1:00pm

A light lunch will be served after the presentation

RMIT City campus, Council Chamber, RMIT Building 1, level 2R, 124 La Trobe Street, Melbourne


Prof. Dr. Donald Bruce Dingwell, Secretary General of the European Research Council

Please RSVP to [email protected] by Thursday 3 October for catering purposes 


For more information about ERC visit:

ERC_Funding-Dingwell-071013.pdf368.62 KB

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