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The European Union and the Promise of Democracy: What can Citizenship Education and Civil Society contribute? NECE Conference

Nov 14 2013
Nov 16 2013
The Hague

Europe’s ongoing economic crisis has engendered a crisis of confidence in the European project and the costs and benefits of further European integration. The democratic deficit of the European Union has now become more and more visible and contributes to the backlash in support for the EU. It has also become very clear now that the economic crisis is dividing Europe and may ultimately lead to the break up of the EU. Against this background this year´s NECE Conference will deal with resulting challenges for citizenship educators across Europe.

With an eye to the elections to the European Parliament in May 2014, NECE 2013 will explore the topics of participation and democratisation and focus on the EU's democratic deficit for discussing possible consequences and the role for citizenship education. The conference in The Hague will offer opportunities for a critical debate on four levels:

  1. Scenarios and outlines for the future of the EU
  2. European civil society and the 'democratic deficit' of the European Union
  3. Role of citizenship education in the European crisis
  4. Practical approaches and projects of citizenship education

Opportunities to actively take part will be provided in numerous workshops, a world café and an open forum. Also, a project market for European models and good practice projects in citizenship education is offered. At the end of the conference, participants are invited to draw up a public ‘Conference Paper’ with recommendations on the topic of democratisation and participation in the EU.

Frans Timmermans, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, the well-known Dutch publicist Paul Scheffer, professor of European Studies at Tilburg University and Lorenzo Marsili, executive director of European Alternatives have already confirmed their participation.

The current conference programme is attached. Conference language is English (without simultaneous translation).
There is no conference fee. The organisers do not cover travel and accommodation costs. Places are limited!

NECE Conference 2013 - Online registration now open! Register now until 7 November!

Register here:

We are looking forward to welcoming you in The Hague - hometown of our NECE partner ProDemos - House for Democracy and the Rule of Law and centre of governance in the Netherlands, as well as home to many institutions aimed at improving international justice and peace!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the conference management at:

Juliane Rast
Lab Concepts GmbH
on behalf of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 252 932 56
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 252 932 61
E-Mail: [email protected]

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