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Ideas Forum on 'Infrastructure Needs of the Knowledge Economy', 24th April

Apr 24 2015
The Lighthouse
11 Mitchell Lane

You are cordially invited to attended the Scottish Cities Knowledge Centre’s Ideas Forum: ‘Infrastructure Needs of the Knowledge Economy', to be held in Glasgow's Lighthouse on Friday, 24th April 2015.

The purpose of this SCKC Ideas Forum is to share best practices and encourage knowledge exchange in the promotion of knowledge economy in urban space.  Dialogues between the academic, private, and policy communities in this half-day Forum intends to assess the infrastructure needs of the knowledge economy, including both physical infrastructure (such as research parks and incubators) and virtual networks (such as broadband improvement and usage of social media). Innovative ways of public-private partnership in delivering such infrastructure needs will be drawn from the experiences throughout the UK, and discussed for their relevance in Scotland.

To capture diverse perspectives from different domains, we have on our panel seven high-profiled speakers, including Professor Dave Valler (Oxford Brooks University) and Professor Nick Phelps (University College London), the Director and main collaborator of a Leverhulme International Network on Global Science ‘Scapes’.  Mr Peter Andrew, the Head of Incubation and Innovation Services in Innovation Centres Scotland.  Mr Stuart Black, Director of Development and Infrastructure from the Highland Council. Professor Tracey Howe, Deputy Chair of Glasgow City of Science. Mr Michael Burns, Business Development Manager of Glasgow University, and Ms Lucille Brown, National Future Cities Development Manager. Brief introductions about the specific projects mentioned are included in the programme.

We sincerely welcome your insights and thoughts during our round-table discussions. There will be a free buffet lunch serviced at 12am, and a small drink reception after the event, which will provide more relaxing social opportunities for you to interact with our speakers and other audience.

If you (or your colleagues) are interested in attending, please email Dr Julie Miao ([email protected] ) your name and organisation, and a place will be reserved subject to availability.

We look forward seeing you on 24th April in the Lighthouse, Glasgow!

Kind regards


Emma Smith
Policy Scotland
School of Social & Political Sciences
University of Glasgow



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