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International Conference on Climate Action (ICCA) - Local Governments Driving Transformation

Oct 1 2015
Oct 2 2015

Municipalities play a strategic role in addressing climate change. They drive developments and act as role models for successful measures in greenhouse gas emissions reduction. To highlight local potential and achievements and to support mutual know how-transfer on policies and implementation, Germany will host an international conference in Hannover on October 1 and 2, 2015.

Just after the UN Summit to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (New York, Sept) and before the UNFCCC COP 21 (Paris, Nov/Dec), the International Conference on Climate Action will highlight local contributions towards low-carbon, sustainable urban development. It will serve to promote local climate action as a key driver for transformation. Representatives from municipalities, regional and national government, networks, foundations and researchers will get together to present, learn, and discuss.

Join us in learning more about experiences from a variety of cities, regions and countries, using diverse formats, from high level discussions to open market places, interactive workshops, and an award ceremony celebrating best practice.

More information about topics and speakers will be available soon.

International Conference on Climate Action (ICCA)
Local Governments Driving Transformation

Hannover, October 1-2, 2015

Please indicate if you would like to participate / contribute (presentation / workshop / exhibition) by e-mail to: [email protected]




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