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Learning for Well-being: A Policy Priority for Children and Youth in Europe

Feb 27 2012
Palais des Académies
Hertogsstraat 1

Following the world financial crisis, as many tried to grasp what had occurred, the same kinds of questions were asked repeatedly: What kind of world do we want to live in? What is it that European societies should aim to achieve? A new challenge has been set: to formulate policies that take us beyond the economic imperative, policies that aim to increase Well-being for All.

This policy glossary represents a transdisciplinary perspective towards achieving systemic responses to the uniqueness of each individual. To ensure the integration of state-of-the-art research and policy. the author, Professor Ilona Kickbusch, has consulted with the OECD, the Council of Europe, the EU and many experts, foundations, youth organisations, government and non-government organisations across education, health, social affairs, media, ICT, family and other policy fields.

The critical action is cultivating a new mindset, shifting the way we think about children and young people, about education, health and the social sphere, to focus on Learning for Well-being.

Following the launch of the policy glossary in the morning with an overview of the key findings and recommendations, the afternoon will be organised in workshops, including youth facilitation, to discuss how to turn the recommendations into real policy and action.

We are inviting you to save this date in order to participate in a critical movement towards Well-being for All. Workshop titles and practical information about registration will be available soon.

If you would like to join us for this event or for further information, please contact us through: [email protected]

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