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Millennium Development Goals Lecture 4 - Goal 2: Achieving Universal Primary Education

Nov 25 2010 17:00
Sir Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre
United Kingdom
Professor Bob Davies, Head of the School of Education (University of Glasgow) will present the fourth lecture in the Christian Aid Millennium Development Goals Autumn Lecture Series in conjunction with the Centre for Theology and Public Issues at The University of Edinburgh and GCID.
Robert (Bob) Davis is a Professor of Religious and Cultural Education. He has taught, written and broadcast widely on religion, literature, music, folklore, education, childhood studies and the development of Catholic education in Scotland and beyond. Teacher education remains central to his interests, encouraging a wider exploration of professional values and professional formation. Bob is currently engaged in a number of significant publications projects in areas such as the effectiveness of Religious Education, the cultural history of early childhood and Scottish children's literature. He is a member of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Association for Moral Education, British Association for Romantic Studies and serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society.
The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception in the SCW foyer.
This event is free and open to the public, but for catering purposes please email Lauren Currie at or call 0141 330 1989 if you plan to attend.


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