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Mobilities and Transitions: Learning, Institutions, Global and Social Movements - Call for Proposals

Jun 25 2013
Jun 27 2013
Glasgow Caledonian University
70 Cowcaddens Rd, Cowcaddens

This conference brings together the SCUTREA Annual and CRLL Biennial Conferences to provide a forum for the international lifelong learning and adult education communities to debate and discuss the theme of Mobilities and Transitions: Learning, Institutions, Global and Social Movements.  The conference will take place at the campus of Glasgow Caledonian University in the heart of the city of Glasgow.

Conference Theme

The joint CRLL-SCUTREA Conference provides a platform for researchers and professionals engaged in Lifelong Learning and the Education of Adults to address key areas of international concern.  The conference aims to promote discussion and international networking opportunities across a broad field of interdisciplinary study. It will also include keynote presentations by distinguished international speakers. The Conference theme – Mobilities and Transitions – expresses the need to explore and understand the implications of change, turbulence and fluidity that characterises the field of post-compulsory education in different global contexts.

Call for Proposals

We are delighted to invite proposals for the joint CRLL-SCUTREA International Conference 2013

Papers are welcome from theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives and should be submitted under one of the following research strands:

  • Academic practices
  • Labour markets and skills
  • Students in transition
  • Social movements
  • Institutional mobilities
  • Ethics and values

Proposals are now invited for papers, symposia, posters and roundtable presentations on questions related to the conference theme and one of its six research strands. These should in the first instance take the form of an abstract for a presentation in one of the following formats:

  • Individual papers (600 words)
  • Symposia  (300 words plus 300 words per ‘paper’)
  • Roundtables (300 word overview plus abstracts for each participant -maximum of 300 words each)
  • Poster presentations ( 300 words)

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 17.00pm GMT 7 January 2013.  Acceptance will be notified by no later than 8 February 2013.

There is opportunity of having your final paper refereed. The submission deadline for papers to review is 6 April 2013.

Final versions of all papers must then be submitted by 6 May 2013.  Papers received after this date will not be published in the Proceedings

To submit a proposal, please complete our proforma.  Any queries should be emailed to [email protected].

Further details:


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