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OECD International Conference on Learning Leadership

Dec 4 2013
Dec 5 2013
Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8

We are pleased to invite you to the International Conference on Learning Leadership and the launch of the new OECD learning leadership report. The Jaume Bofill Foundation and the OECD Innovative Learning Environments (ILE) project have jointly organised this project and conference. It will be held in Barcelona on 4 and 5 December 2014 and will bring together education experts, leaders, influential third sector organisations, innovators from schools and higher education, and educational policymakers from around the world.

The OECD “Innovative Learning Environments” project has proved to be influential internationally involving many education systems, starting with fundamentals about the nature of learning through to strategies for innovating in schools and systems. Leadership understood as “learning leadership” is so important because it sets the direction for learning within increasingly complex organisations, and is about seeing that through into design and strategy. It is about putting 21st century learning aims and outcomes into practice.

The following questions emerge from dialogue between research and practice:

  • Why do we need to focus on learning leadership? What does it mean?
  • How do we  put learning at the heart of schools, learning environments and on the agenda of all leaders in education?
  • What is the role of leadership in innovation and change?
  • How do we facilitate and promote the student voice and student leadership?
  • How do we support leadership in order to create learning communities, incorporating teams of teachers, learners, families and communities together with senior managers?
  • How do we make leadership more effective by creating networks of innovation and high quality learning?
  • How do we recognise the role and potential of a range of important partners such as higher education, the third sector, government and civil society to help drive learning innovation?

We have an exciting conference programme that combines keynote lectures, plenary sessions, parallel mini-conferences and workshops, round tables and master classes. Conference registration and participation is completely free!  Travel and accommodation costs are the responsibilities of the participants and/or their organisations.  The conference organisers have arranged rooms with special prices for the delegates at the hotels described on our website.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Barcelona. Please, feel free to forward this information to any contacts that you think would be interested in taking part in this event.


Best wishes,

International Conference on Learning Leadership
Organization team


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