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OU APS Webinar: 'Avoid photocopying the past: Re-designing HEIs to reduce inequitable outcomes for BAME students?'

Dec 3 2020 09:30
Dec 3 2020 12:30
The Open University
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom  United Kingdom

Due to the popularity of this seminar series (previous events held on 15th July and 6th October), we would like to invite you to pre-register for the third and final event 'Avoid photocopying the past: Re-designing HEIs to reduce inequitable outcomes for BAME students'. 

The online webinar is hosted by Access, Participation and Success at the Open University and will take place on Thursday 3rd December 2020 at 09:30-12:30.

The seminar will share 4 further exciting and inspiring presentations from HEIs currently delivering activities to reduce the awarding gap and will be opened by Dr Liz Marr - Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Students) at the Open University.  There will be time for networking with other institutions – through Q&A and interactive padlet sessions to share views, experiences, ideas, challenges and hopefully solutions!  Please check our APS website where full information about the presenters and institutions will be updated shortly.  

Click here to register for the event  

The event will take place using Microsoft Teams so please provide your correct email address as a link to join the event will be sent via email nearer the time.

Verity Hilton
Communications and Media support



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