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Partnership and Collaboration in a Changing Environment: Community Engagement - NIACE

Jan 23 2014
University of the West of England
Frenchay Campus, Filton Road

This is the final conference in the series which will examine different aspects of partnership and collaboration by Higher Education Institutions(HEIs) with a range of partners in the sector.

Most HEIs take their role in civic engagement seriously, but this work has tended to take place on the margins of institutional activity. This conference will give delegates the chance to learn about some of the best practice in the sector, while offering an opportunity to consider what makes for successful and effective community partnership and collaboration in the new HE environment.
Contributions will be made by a range of expert speakers, including:

  • Professor Steve West, Vice Chancellor, University of the West ofEngland;
  • Paul Manners, Director, National Coordinating Centre for PublicEngagement;
  • Professor Les Ebdon CBE, Director of the Office for Fair Access; and
  • Professor Fred Robinson, St. Chad¹s College, Durham University.

The conference will also explore:

  • The economic context in which HEIs now work and the relevance ofpartnership and collaboration;
  • Social and economic impact as a criterion for research funding;
  • The localism agenda and the role of university leaders¹;
  • The relevance of community engagement to other key agendas,including flexible and mature access to and widening participation.

Planned outcomes for the event are: 

  • Delegates will be better informed about embedding a communityengagement approach across an institution and about the mutual benefits of the work;
  • Delegates will have a better understanding of the common factorswhich contribute to successful HEI community engagement; and
  • Delegates should leave the conference with a first sketch of anaction plan to improve institutional engagement with communities.

For more information and to book your place:

Enquiries to NIACE Events: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>


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