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PASCAL Workshop for Empowerment of Women and Girls for Social Inclusion

Mar 2 2016
The Israeli Center for Learning Cities
The Multi Disciplinary Center
Modi'in Makabim-Re'ut

"We seek to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls" - this goal has been declared in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as one of the main goals (SDGS) that will define our global community over the next fifteen years.

"We seek to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls" - this goal has been declared in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as one of the main goals (SDGS) that will define our global community over the next fifteen years.

The Israeli Center for Learning Cities in Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut is the initiator and leader of the first National Convention of the Israeli Forum for Gender Equality - Israel 2030, on behalf of PASCAL International Observatory's Learning Cities Networks (LCN) programme.

The Israeli Center for Learning Cities, which leads the Israeli Network of Learning cities, works in cooperation with global forums such as PASCAL International Observatory, UNESCO (UIL), the European Union, and other organizations.

The 1st National Convention of the Israeli Forum for Gender Equality will be held on Wednesday, March 2nd 2016, at the Israeli Center for Learning Cities in Modi'in. The convention will open the International Women's Day events in the presence of the Minister for Social Equality in the Israeli Parliament. Participants in the forum include leaders of gender equality and promotion of women in government, academia, women's organizations and media. Additionally, senior members of international organizations will attend the convention. The forum will discuss the promotion of sustainable gender equality in Israel, towards 2030.

The forum will introduce the current status of gender equality in Israel in 2016, from the viewpoint of the various participant organizations, and will formulate a joint declaration of the forum in accordance with the UN sustainable development goals. This declaration will be submitted to PASCAL International Observatory and to UNESCO (UIL), and will be presented at the 13th PASCAL International Conference in Glasgow, 3-5 June, 2016. This declaration will additionally serve as a joint position paper for our work towards policy formulating and action plan, both on local and national level, in correspondence with the agenda and goals of the participating organizations. The declaration will serve as a basis for the forum's annual discussions in the future.

Promotion of gender equality in Israel towards 2030 is our joint responsibility - us, leaders of public agenda and public activity in favor of an equal and inclusive society.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation.


Dr. Orna Mager
Developer and the Head of Learning City net in Israel
Founder chairperson of the Israeli union of Advisors on the Status of Women and Gender Equality

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