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The PI Conference - Participative Innovation and Creativity

Jun 12 2014
Jun 13 2014
C-Mine Expeditie
Koolmijn Winterslag
3600 Genk

The conference aims to engage all who want to work with universities in the processes of’co-thinking, co-learning, co-creation and co-innovation. It will be a hihgly participative event with some major international leaders of innovation and regional development.


PI Conference

An international event on Participative Innovation and Creativity

Two days of stimulating thoughts, concepts and hands-on tools for stimulating and developing innovation. The venue is C-Mine; an old mine building that has been transformed into a creative environment. International speakers will share their insight and knowledge with you! The conference is a mixture of workshops and keynotes. Be part of it and learn from the best!

For more information:

>> Buy tickets here!

Co-Think, Co-Learn, Co-Create and Co-Innovate

How do you innovate with a diversity of individual styles and talents? What are some practical insights on how to stimulate creativity inside your organisation? What is my role as leader to create an innovative organisational culture? These are only some of the questions that will be answered during the conference.

We need to find new answers for the many challenges of today and tomorrow. The idea behind Participative Innovation (PI) is that everyone should (and must) take an active role in the innovation efforts whether it is within their business, the public sector or education.


What's in it for me?

A diversity of high-level and high-impact speakers!

Some of our international speakers are:
Bob Cancalosi, General Electric for the first time in Belgium!
Scott Isaksen, President CPSB
Donald Treffinger, President of Center For Creative Learning
Bettina von Stamm, Innovation Leadership Forum

Insight in your problem-solving style

Repond to the VIEW questionnaire and discover your individual problem-solving style and how you prefer to be creative and manage innovation. During the conference you will get feedback from the experts and receive your individual report.

What is an innovative organisational culture?

Several speakers will show you what an innovative culture can be and what you can do as a leader (or consultant) to create a positive change.

Innovative and creative literature

When registering, you will have the choice between two free books: "Meeting the innovation challenge" by Scott Isaksen or "Educating for creativity and innovation" by Donald Treffinger.


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