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The Smart Campus and Inclusion - A Learning Cities Networks Social Inclusion Workshop

Sep 18 2015 14:00
University of Glasgow, School of Education
St Andrews Building (Rm 432), 11 Eldon Street

With a capital expenditure of £800m over 10 years, the Smart Campus project is the largest project in the University of Glasgow’s history and a major investment in national educational infrastructure. This will be the centre piece of the latest PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (LCN) Social Inclusion Workshop to be held in Glasgow on 18 September and hosted by the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL)

In the context of this development at the University of Glasgow from 2015-2025, Professor Matthew Chalmers will discuss how new technologies might model and feed back into the development of that campus, and into the development of the campus community. He will use examples of recent work on ‘future cities’ to discuss some possibilities for research, some of which he is currently promulgating within the university’s smart campus project. Michael Burns will speak about the ‘University Effect’ – the potential social and economic impact of this development.

A panel will offer their responses to the presentations from international and local perspectives. The panellists are: Dr Stefan Popenici, Senior Lecturer in the Learning and Teaching Centre at the University of Melbourne; Dr Norah Macrae, Director of Community Engagement at the University of Victoria in Canada; Professor Bob Davis, Director of the University of Glasgow’s East End Social Science Hub; and Rod Purcell is Director of Community Development in the University of Glasgow’s School of Education.

Further details are attached and we look forward to seeing you on 18 September 2015 in Room 432 at the St Andrews Building, 11 Eldon St, Glasgow G3 6NH

All are welcome and places are reserved by emailing [email protected]


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