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World Congress on Access to Post-Secondary Education

Oct 7 2013
Oct 10 2013
Mount Royal Centre

Montreal 2013 is the first global event of the World Congress on Access to Post-Secondary Education. It is also the first step on our journey to build and enact an agenda for change that will ensure more participation also means wider participation and success.

Be a part of this innovative venture. Help to shape the work of this new movement and change the world! We welcome participants from all backgrounds and regions including from education institutions, business and industry, non-government organisations, national and international networks and associations and community organisations. Students and people from developing and poorer countries are especially welcome.

You will be able to

  • Exchange ideas and views with people from all over the world
  • Share and learn about some of the obstacles to wider participation and action to overcome them
  • Discuss your own issues and ideas with international experts and practitioners
  • Develop and grow innovative ideas, strategies, practices and policies
  • Form new communities of practice and develop collaborative ventures

Find out more and register now at

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